Wednesday, January 21, 2009

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Intradermally: general

This pathway is the most superficial of all parenteral.
mode approach for its implementation is similar to other injections, except that here the needle should be inserted parallel to the skin and only introduces the bezel. While the medicine must form a papule, (with which you should be careful when removing the needle).
The intradermal route is the route used for allergy testing or Mantoux (TB test).

Saturday, January 17, 2009

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Vía parenteral

The parenteral route is one in which the drugs reach the internal environment without being absorbed by the digestive system.

The main routes are parenteral, intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous route, although there are others such as intracardiac or intra-arterial.

For intravenous access is necessary to use needles of different sizes and with different functions (needle, intravenous catheter ...) according to road type and time used or volume of drug infusion (continuous infusion single dose ...).

The parenteral route is the fastest and the one that achieves greater efficacy.

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Introduction to drug delivery

This blog will discuss the administration of medications by all routes that exist.
The administration of drugs is divided into three main groups: parenteral, the enteral and topical, and how to administer the medication depends on several things: the type of drug, the effect of the drug and also depends on the patient.

When drugs are administered to patients should be checked several things:

  • If the patient is correct,

  • If the medication is correct,

  • If the path is correct,

  • If the correct dose

  • If the day and time that is given the medicine are correct

  • And finally, check whether the patient is allergic to that drug.