This "reconstruction" is being delayed too much, as you know there is always the excuse of "I do not have time", although the days now I made too short, I must be sufficiently aware that I am the owner / my time and I know handle it.
The economic crisis we live but even here in this country where gender makes us paranoid and often does not let us develop ourselves in the best way. Sometimes I think how serious this "crisis" is in our collective imagination. I know I can not refute economic indicators, stock market falls, rising prices, and the passivity of immovable do not care.
me share with you an email that I send my brother, who despite being part of the typical "chain" at least not end with the typical "forward to all your CONTACTS IN 5 MINUTES OR OTHERWISE (Choose the one that one you like): / DO YOU FALL HAIR / SE TE veer TORTILLA / LOSE AN EYE / TE FALL WORMS / etc etc etc. Rather
This got me thinking ... and well, it is refreshing to know that sometimes the simplest things, which are not expected, you can give us strength of will to fight anxiety, paranoia and depression, which sometimes makes us forget that any positive end, not only in sales but in life depends on our ability to self-motivated, and do not lose that "hunger" to get what we want in this life is too short and ephemeral, not to put all our effort to meet our goals, our dreams. Here
, which I call the parable of the good "e-mail" version without edit:
There once was a person who lived next to a road where he sold some delicious meatballs with bread. He was very busy and therefore could not hear radio, not reading newspapers or watching television. He rented a piece of land, put a big fence and announced its merchandise shouting their lungs:
"Buy delicious hot meatballs."
And people bought them. Increased the purchase of bread and meat. Bought a larger piece of land to look after his business, and worked as arranged for his son left the University where he studied Commercial Sciences to help him.
However, there was something very important, his son said: "Old man, do not you listen to the radio, or read the papers ...?. We are experiencing a serious crisis!. The situation is really bad, worse could not be! ".
The father thought, "My son is studying in college, read newspapers, watch television and listen to the radio. You should know better than me what is going on ..."
He then bought less bread and less meat. He took the billboard, I leave the land rent in order to eliminate costs and no announced its rich meatballs with bread. And sales were declining every day.
"You were right, my son," said the boy. "Truly we are undergoing a major crisis."
not continue talking about crisis.
speak only of doing good business, good jobs and good jobs.
If we programmed it to fail, fail.
If we set our minds to win, win .
is a simple choice personal.