Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How To Sale Fake Weed


http://association.fil-en-scene.fr/spip.php?article52 network-sewing a triptych with its graphics, illustrated step by step, a nice touch to give away or given away.
http://association.fil-en-scene.fr/spip.php?article54 multipurpose bags, the tutorial is in French but the photos are very clear, to encourage you to do it, do not need many materials and these bags are very, very useful: for a snack or clothes for the kids, to underwear, to store shoes in your suitcase or gym bag for makeup, toiletries in the bathroom, combs, brushes, rubber hair, etc, to have the collection work, knitting, crochet, sewing without soil, to maintain order in the drawers, they can keep wires, tapes, buttons, zippers, to avoid clutter megabolso to save your pajamas, you can make in size and color you need, bigger or smaller, with different decorations as the use, with your initial embroidered with applications material, a thousand possible variations. If you have any other idea would be grateful if you put yourselves in comments.


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