Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Online Games Like Popmundo

Resucitooooo again!!

I can not believe that has already been a anio since the last post ...
sure many of you even read this post-Posting ...
to that are still around, thanks for reading.

My life has changed in many ways, an economic crisis that almost killed us (economically and morally), my personal life .. if I leave my half-half ... (although I would say more like 3 / 4), work at both the boat is moved every time I thought this was me back my Titanic, not thank me of DiCaprio ... but even a hero of whom hold.

I realized that this post-apocalyptic economy, businesses, entrepreneurs, human beings who survive .. are no more "strong, large, tuco, brave, thrown .. etc" but those best adapted to their new environment. Don Charles Darwin was right when looking iguanas in the Galapagos ... release his theory of evolution: "the agencies best suited are those that survive over time." As you adapted to these times? Emerging equities have taken that to survive? to adapt?. Sonia even wake up in your future? in your car luxury apartment on the beach and the fashionable clothes?. Repeating every moment in your mind that "maniana" start improving your life ... "Maniana" dares the first step of this new you, victorious and successful ..... Tomorrow you??
What if that day does not arrive? what happens if things change ... again, are you prepared ... not just economically or physically ... but ... mentally?

No maniana .... there is only "Today" ... but what did you do today ... the maniana will not come .. the suenios (now perhaps more realistic) will never become reality ... stop .... great future Sonia and put action to those intentions ... gives all of you, your intelligence, your creativity, and especially your desire to get ahead ... are you become a "MAD MAX" Post-apocalipticoeconomicos times ... Be your own hero ... and do not let your biggest enemy, the decided and inaction, ending up with a legend that is about to start .. .....


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