Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nadine Jansen, Rapid Share

Back to start ..

Life is a succession of beginnings and endings .. only to start again ... I have not been here long, I can invent many excuses of lack of time, or invent a moral optimistic about how important it is to withdraw to the barracks to take hold and continue the fierce battle ... the truth is that as we all do, I lost the motivation to keep writing, but as we all do ... receiving messages from people you do not know, telling you that something has served this blog that I wrote as a way to give me encouragement, remember concepts and strategies that would help me just to feel motivated in the day to day, in a race that sometimes seems very long and tedious .. but it has always been rewarding.

That motivates us to move into sales? the satisfaction of accomplishment? (as so stoically said a student from some short course average sales hair ever attended ... obliged by the company he worked at the time) ... or "silver", "the wool "," the billullo "the" filthy lucre "? (As I said in one of my fits of cynicism ... in the same medium hair short course I attended once.).

here say that sales .. gringo market are driven by 3 factors:
  2. EGO
FEAR: - "Should I purchase such additional insurance ... and if something happens to my new IPAD? "
GREED: -" If I buy this here in gringolandia IPAD, I took him to Ecuador ... Panita sell it twice ... "
EGO: -" That's the last ... if not .. I have that iPad would be a looser ...."

... In the end these factors motivate us in some way or another in every moment of our lives whether personal or professional .. ... Fear job loss, fear of not being able to support the family .. not to pay the debts. always looking for that million dollars would allow us to travel to Europe ... buy the coveted BMW 750, or household on the beach. Being seen as the ne plus ultra of the neighborhood, the corner hard, the best seller This company has had in his freaking life ...!.

maybe sounds a little shallow I know, or perhaps very direct .. but in the end we are human beings with similar virtues and vices, why not take advantage of these "almost sins" and use them in our favor ...
the end ... what motivates us ... our needs and desires dark ... so get up and call that list of prospects that BMW750 ... .. you are going to give away.


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