Sunday, December 5, 2010

Big Boobs Feading Milk Baby

Reflections Erasmus, that is the question. I'm back again

Well, not much comes to the issue, but a bridge Dominguito only thing I think is ... as I do not give me the scholarship to Canada ... Erasmus or better ask me stay here?

About me say yes, others no .. and others who look the best for my training. Deciding whether to learn more here or in any European country I can not know (language aside) ... however much that is good and prestigious university, such as mine ... does not indicate that it is really good ¬ ¬ with shady, plugĂ‚, competition, without companionship .. etc. Everything will depend on the subjects you lame and teacher who touches you, no?

Because, by a clause, I came to college with a smile full of hope in the face ... with a bright future at the bottom of my way ... but I just want to finish the race as soon as possible and change of environment. Not that I do not like what you study, you know that I love ... is the environment that is in itself: people taking you for a fool, leaving notes, abuse of authority, teachers, professors who know less than any of his students, inhuman hours, lack of organization ... No one sees the good in you, you just say, with that half are not going to be nothing ...

My dissatisfaction with staff at the Complutense University in hand, there are good people and good teachers, but could be more.

Well what we were going, I will make two lists, about why I want to go and why not. That one is longer than the other will not be a final choice ... only to see it in outline and plan to have more clear, for the record ^ ^

do I go on erasmus.
- To learn English
- For a change of scenery
- Why I will certainly not bad fellow I will make life impossible.
- By knowing
new sites - for new experiences
- For learn to fend for myself

Why I would not go on erasmus.
- Because the race and I can be complicated and it costs me yours in Castilian.
- For treatment to be worse than what I left behind
- To the north of Europe makes cold muuuuuucho
- Because is very expensive to spend and not worth
- Because life is based on erasmus parties and I do not like people in mass or loud music.
- I'll be away from my child a long time = (

you who would you do?!
A besoteeee


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