The decision is taken, I took the papers to request The Erasmus. I talked to people, and also received various opinions here on the blog. What were the reasons the end? I do not know, maybe the fact to think of losing something that can be a great experience both academically and personally, know that I'll get rid of things I do not like here, but what really matters will be waiting when you return =)
Because my passion is travel and see new places, because I want to prove to myself I can do it without help from anyone and I know that if I do, I'll be disappointed.

Yesterday I spent all day with my boyfriend, which given the times that are impossible for us, our busy schedules and we are virtually incompatible few hours on Saturdays and Sundays, no more, so enjoy a day at your side is like that long awaited vacation =)
Although we do not see much, it is who gives me the strength every day, and who once (and if) I showed that I cared more than anything the world and the one without the other are not nothing. But despite that has encouraged me in all this go away to school, because he knows that's what I want and what I need to know that I'll want to do in my life after finishing the race. I know even if I go a year or two, or five, will come looking for the airport and get me one of those kisses that stop time, and it will be like if we had been together the previous day.
He is ready to cum with me to wherever necessary, because you know that my field in this country has no future and I (with him, and he with me) I'll be happier working in I like, even away from home. But you do not explain that a home is not a place but a people, that make your life much easier if you're with them, and for me that person is him.
Sil My friend has also had much to do with it. "Not that you go, you have to leave." In addition she and her boy are my role models have a long-distance relationship and I demonstrate every day that when two people love no matter how long they have to be separated if they know that ultimately will be together again.
With these thoughts I leave, I hope that you have a great Christmas. Tomorrow I'm going to Salamanca to see the family, since there can surely update, my cousins \u200b\u200bhave Internet.
In any case, be good, that the Kings bring you health, money and love (above).
Hugs, and thanks for reading and commenting =)
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