Saturday, October 16, 2010

What To Do With A Broken Plasma Ball

MIA! ---> ELF HAUL! Sweepstakes

Hello hello! How about your weekend?!
Well, I'm totally stuck in the routine of the new course, and as indicated in the previous post, and driven by a comment received (Thanks Catanya ^ ^) I have decided to resume the blog, looking forward of course = D.

I have a lot of stuff to talk about, but today I'll put a Haul Spain Elf! yes, I dared to ask when they opened the store and was waiting for it and the products I wanted if he had, but wanted to give my mother a lipstick, but with those prices if they got on the grapevine (5 euros mineral lip), so I started to mine and preferred to look at stores palpable, hehe. Let's start, which they want to know absolutely everything! = D

I placed the order with the initial discount free shipping, and I must say it took a little longer than expected, especially in sending it from there, because once put it had sent, came within 3 or 4 days they promised. In any case, I think mail is advised of the company itself, because my mailman is a disaster for the packages and never brings, do not call and let slip, but that especially if it brought ... not whether it would match that had empty cart or felt in a good mood, the fact is that post soon, were they ... But finally in 8 or 9 days arrived undamaged and in perfect condition. We also think that had just opened and same with the boom in orders are saturated.

This is what I got:

The package, well wrapped and protected. Brought the alleged beach bag given away to Nosecuantos first orders, but we're a cutrez, I have not used even once, just use it to wrap the taper when, as in the university, and thence to the backpack, so that not see ... and these are the products I ordered:

polvitos for everyday, because I do not use liquid foundation from daily, leave more for weekends and special days. Well, all the tone I took, the beige (second course, I think) I have a dark ... between that August is not left home and I'm not very sunny, I'm whiter than ever so that next I catch a lighter shade, but are good for everyday, that does not demand much, to cover their bad side and little more. The only problem is I put that last bit, the amount is minimal, I took in September and I see the bottom metalite. Bring a tassel, but a bit shit ... (Ups) poor quality of these you wash and remove the glue ... I use the market that while the wash is like new.

The other product of the photo is the famous cover all stick, I took the lighter color to use for illuminating, not because I thought I could use for that, but I do not like, nor illuminate the eyebrow, or for correction or anything. The texture is horrible and smells of oil pulling back ... gives me such a headache that I've used it twice ... I think I'm gonna throw, I do not think that smell cause anyone any good. Other than that the color is too clear to me (not we agree ¬ ¬) and extends fatal y. .. ufff. Good: the only thing not I liked the order.

The kabuki brush to dust. It's great, never had any kabuki so I can not compare ... is easy to kill. The use for loose powder and is great great. The size is small, the face and goes well, a couple of passes you've tweaked all.

translucent powders as hyper-mega-famous elf. I like a lot, I that I have combination skin I have pretty good brightness control ... although I have to say there is nothing to support the line 6 in rush hour lol! I have only one problem with them, I'm afraid to move the box in case you are too and go all flying .. because once the leave without your tassel, I put a wash and accidentally turn brown and lie ... sneezing powder, white hands, white box ... total disaster .. so I took fright and now when I use little by little ... I have to try to find a more efficient use ... = S

The first to face what he had picked especially for the wedding. Primers never used before and I say it's a weird feeling like ... but not oily. I can not tell you how it goes because I have to experience using it only half a face ... I find it very difficult to calculate exactly whether or not longer than the base with them because they often do not use as much base is not exactly what duration = s.

duo blush and contour. The blush is great, I have a weakness for rouges in general .. to be so white I need something that gives life to my face to not seem like a particularly dead and he loves me. Sunscreen does not convince me, besides being too dark to outline my white skin lol, not quite right is blurred and my boyfriend noticed me: you have something there ¬ ¬ brown, I'm trying, even picking up a pot .. . but do not quite caught her truqui. Also ordered a range studio rouge: the candid coral, but is much like that comes in this duo ... also mysteriously disappeared from my vanity a few days after it arrived (that's what the sisters are in full turkey ¬ ¬, they deny everything).

And finally these three small brush, two of the Studio and a range of normal. My favorite, so famous powder elf, flat cut is very thick and soft. Puts that can be used both for powders and liquids, so once I tried the liquid makeup, but it is too opaque for my taste (I think that 20 years the makeup should highlight your features, not erase them), so I use it for blush, which I love, love love it! and being cut straight, I catch the edge with a corner and stump and with it all. I recommend it because it has many uses, it is soft, strong and very cheap.

The other two are for liquid products. Instead of making each minireview I will compare (white -> normal range, black -> Studio range). I picked the two because the white was worth only 1.50 and I decided that I would be worse for such things on a: first, moisturizer in the summer (you already know that glows and then go further if we use the fingers) or have one in the toiletries bag and keep it handy. I must say that I left the white stripes on the makeup, so ruled out for this. The black is fine, but everything other than the fingers, if not why not spread it with brush, leaves me too layer of makeup and I am weird = S. Yet I use when I go partying in the night, a meet or similar occasions in which everyone peripinta, and total, and non-stop for a while still, I finished removing base always something .. . perfect then. hehe. The white, like streaking to extend the use masks, but not recommend for use in the base, as two euros more we have the black, which leaves no mark.

beautiful, beautiful Well, this has been everything I asked ELF Spain, you shall see that the company is real and not a scam as rumored by facebook. There are things we have done wrong, yes, but I came more profitable to ask UK, so I made the order and have not had any problems. I guess the rest will be bringing products gradually. I hope most of all the minerals, I'd like to try something ... although the same place an order this week to mark Every day minerals , who calls me a lot of attention. Because if I do I will tell you ok?.

By the way, I have not put the prices because they are all on the page, but you know the prices of this brand ... totally anti-crisis.

I say goodbye, but so soon! A big kiss and enjoy the findeeeee!
Muuuuuuak. Laura ^ ^


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