nuevooo Hello!
I come to tell an intensive treatment that I do when I have my lips very sores or many pielecitas. Hope you like it.
When I have filled pielecitas, but no scars, only dry, I do two little things.
1. Intense exfoliation. I like to mix some honey with sugar. a drop of two and remove without breaking, so that the sugar does not dissolve completely. So I grab a finger and give it to me gently on the lips. It is very relaxing and not aggressive, because sugar is dissolved and according to some massaging is completely dissolved. You can also do with a new toothbrush, but not I like the feeling. Must be new because if it is used can carry bacteria and if we have heridita can screw it, so maybe not. If you like honey coméroslo going to want and can do any extra =).
When we're done with the peel, we wash well and then we brush our teeth (with our usual brush) and we have been able to get some honey and sugar (mmm voluntarily or involuntarily) and is very bad for teeth to eat sweets and leave it in the mouth.
2. intense hydration. Before going to bed, having done my cleaning routine, I applied on the lips a good fat layer (to snow) of Neutrogena hand cream. In my house has made life and yet it is somewhat expensive, hard years, because for me it is too thick to use on your hands. I just do in times of great stress or extreme cold, when my lips are really bad. And I promise, I wake up, with a thin layer of cream yet, but to take it away is like magic ... my lips as new, as if they should take a week mojama dry.
If my lips are cold sores only do the second step and when they hurt and have been cured (overnight, two at most with Neutrogena trick) and I can gently exfoliate, and re-look great as ever.
I always use Vaseline every day, but there are periods when I'm more nervous about what is or is just me and I can not go buy another and lips, so sensitive to them, like the rest of the skin, spoil me immediately.
If you have a small pot of Vaseline gap can make the mixture of honey and sugar, as are foods that take many years to expire.
and I hope to serve you whenever you may have great lips!
A besazooo ^. ^
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