I knew, I had read so many blogs, I knew that would happen, but I still Lush to go and see for myself ... I've only gone once and I'm already planning to return ...
As I said a few products I liked more than others, but overall I have a good impression of the brand, but not so much store in the city but good for the next smart.
A mask will fall, although I have not decided which one I will not repeat with anticatástrofe and I really am thinking American Cream catch me but I see sooo expensive sorely me back.
to discuss two solid shampoos and a rare thing that I recommend for my boy. jaajaj
Karma solid shampoo.
I use it only on weekends, because I have at my mother and I only go on weekends . The smell at first I did not pay too much attention, I was looking for something sweet, but now that I love. Not to smell, but it is green and smells like green, but not Green botany (subject of first I hated with all my heart and reminds me of the rosemary and all cooking spices do not know why, lol) but fresh green, clean. Then the hair smells for a long time and I love it, use the weekends as it reminds me of rest, fun, see my boy .. osea all good ...
If you've been good during the week, the weekend will molar a lot .. or so says the karma not! jejeje
Results: Hair is clean, with very little (I do foam on hand in 3 seconds and head!) is sufficient to clean all around and everything. I leave the hair very well but also has a feature by which stress, as a special glow or unravel ... normal shampoo for normal hair. It does not give any fat, hair quite clean hold time, but I still I have the roots then fat, but I have understood what normal people (those who have oily hair the next day) they takes a little more.
I love that has no container. It's great because in addition to a protracted, this package you save yourself and the world. I've been using it every day of the weekend (yes, I wash my hair weekends Friday, Saturday and Sunday) for exactly one month, what they do ... total .. 15 washes (as Lush lasts an average of 80 washes), which is almost 20% of the washes, but I really see it whole .. I left at the half, so it should be 40% half used ... but it is equally ... so with this save life, because it makes a lather ... and it lasts a thousand years ...
Lush I really think that is an expensive store, but as solid shampoos I'm sure it's much cheaper than other brands. Yes shampoo to tomatoes will end soon and the other half I'll get to Karma do math (my hair is quite long, mid-back and growing) of those hard, we washed the accounts as the month goes more or less.
In short: I love the shampoo, especially when combined with conditioner Jungle, which split it in half and I took it home to my mother, because I think it smells great combination and do not cover each other, but complement great. Buy it again, but bearing in mind that Lush has many more solid shampoo smells great, I'll trying other, who knows if my true love is between them =) What I have clear is how expensive that I seems to buy there, I'll stay with shampoos solids before the liquid, as it gives me the impression that they last much less and above are expensive.
Barrita or whatever Snake Oil
She recommended it to my boyfriend because he has too much skin very dry, in fact has eczema on the legs and sometimes in the face too. I have not tried it but I tell you what I told him.
smells HORRIBLE, FATAL, WRONG, it does not say it (well tmb), but me. The truth is that when I went to lush could not smell anything because a punch I hit the pituitary odors and was KO for two hours at least. At that time I smelled it and did not notice that smelled so bad ... in fact I thought it did not smell great, but like everything in lush smells good then it should also smell good .. I learned my lesson: ask for samples of something you're not sure.
duration: low, my boy not wash your hair every day, but already has almost exhausted, and he is looking forward to the truth, even if you put type mask before showering, and then does not smell much, but it is quite annoying, plus it moisturizes and all, but I see the hair then you are not 100% clean, but with a fat capita, and not the shampoo because I have yours I tried and my hair was perfect.
So the results are good, because hydrates, but given the range of moisturizers that are in lush best a good good hydrating mask or conditioner and also stimulate your senses in the right direction no?
In short: do not buy back even more dandruff Mike had hair, before it is returned to H & S.
solid shampoo Without a Trace
E ste shampoo is indicated to supplement it with the stick before and it is for dandruff dry and flaking due to drying, therefore is supposed to be pretty moisturizing. The truth is that it removes dandruff, usually the H & S creates a layer on the scalp that leaves falling, but of course that's not the problem. It's literally hide under the carpet, so I committed etab that he might, and usually leaving the H & S will produce a rebound effect, dandruff all out for a while until it rebalances everything and then usually falls. But with this shampoo has not had that effect, but his head has been clean and perfect from the beginning. Dandruff free ... jajaj as the announcement of the players: in the head, anything but dandruff!
The smell is not good, but it is more bearable than the damn pink bar.
The next one will certainly use Mike ocean, hit a lot, with a good conditioner or mask (the most moisturizing of any, to meet the hydration it needs), but try not smell too "girl ", to be fixed right and necessary jejejeje
For girls, that's all for today, hope that you will not have created the need =)
a big kiss! Muak!!
Laura ^ ^
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