Memory is like a large attic that houses what is not routine, and so that in their daily life, at any given time struck us so special.
also keep the moments that caused us satisfaction, those who were close to the surface our awareness, those who hurt us and deception caused misery, those who made us proud ...
A memory does not like to store certain memories, but can not avoid them. Even so, it ensures that the more we can embarrass, are better hidden, but narrow and dark is the place where they hide. Other memories, such infinite light and of sorrow, swarm everywhere, and their abundance, sometimes long before that to reconnect.
The most difficult to find, that almost always come to be amazed us most are those who return to us unexpectedly, as a flash memory gives birth to, attending to the images, sometimes blurred, that are being open its doors to discover it did not even know he was in the inventory of our consciousness, something so far away sometimes we doubt if it's actually coming to haunt us not being able to check, when we can not find who we are corroborating, by death anyone who could have done.
As a teenager I had an experience I was impressed. When boiling, the milk that my mother would prepare breakfast, consumed overflowed part of the intense heat of the iron plate that old stove that sometimes reached to turn red. The smell of spilled milk and charred that brought me memories of my own image with no more than two years old. Was with a man not much taller than me, that made me cuddle. His hands, his clothes, everything smelled of milk and he had come to my house in a cart pulled by a horse slightly larger than a pony. I was raised in the car and taken to a farmhouse where there were all sorts of animals and I knew I felt very happy in that environment. I missed
tiempo para contarle a mi madre mi visión y ella, algo sorprendida de que hubiese podido acordarme de ello, me contó que cuando aún era yo muy pequeño, tanto que quizás solo chapurrease algunas palabras, venía a casa un lechero al que se le conocía como Juanico El Cabrero, que tenia amputadas las piernas por debajo de las ingles, protegiendo sus muñones con unos cueros que los envolvían. Aún así daba pasos cortitos cuando media la leche y tenía una agilidad fuera de lo común cuando tenia que subir o bajar del carro.
Juanico "El Cabrero" murió y su ausencia desvaneció su imagen, volviendo a mí catorce años después, porque un olor fue la llave que abrió la puerta of his memory.
The most difficult to find, that almost always come to be amazed us most are those who return to us unexpectedly, as a flash memory gives birth to, attending to the images, sometimes blurred, that are being open its doors to discover it did not even know he was in the inventory of our consciousness, something so far away sometimes we doubt if it's actually coming to haunt us not being able to check, when we can not find who we are corroborating, by death anyone who could have done.
As a teenager I had an experience I was impressed. When boiling, the milk that my mother would prepare breakfast, consumed overflowed part of the intense heat of the iron plate that old stove that sometimes reached to turn red. The smell of spilled milk and charred that brought me memories of my own image with no more than two years old. Was with a man not much taller than me, that made me cuddle. His hands, his clothes, everything smelled of milk and he had come to my house in a cart pulled by a horse slightly larger than a pony. I was raised in the car and taken to a farmhouse where there were all sorts of animals and I knew I felt very happy in that environment. I missed
tiempo para contarle a mi madre mi visión y ella, algo sorprendida de que hubiese podido acordarme de ello, me contó que cuando aún era yo muy pequeño, tanto que quizás solo chapurrease algunas palabras, venía a casa un lechero al que se le conocía como Juanico El Cabrero, que tenia amputadas las piernas por debajo de las ingles, protegiendo sus muñones con unos cueros que los envolvían. Aún así daba pasos cortitos cuando media la leche y tenía una agilidad fuera de lo común cuando tenia que subir o bajar del carro.
Juanico "El Cabrero" murió y su ausencia desvaneció su imagen, volviendo a mí catorce años después, porque un olor fue la llave que abrió la puerta of his memory.
I was glad to have remembered and I was glad that my mother told me about it. Had brought forward his family and despite his alleged invalidity mowed, fed the animals, pasture, milking the goats and then sold the milk and cheese and meat of animals sacrificed, leaning on his two stumps and on the knuckles of his hands calloused, which dragged on the ground much more significantly than if it were an ape.
In my earlier account , I had to make efforts to not deviate from the story I wanted to tell. As described the environment where it was immediately initiated and was to end the greatest adventure of my life until that moment, sprang to my mind so many memories, that if he had free rein to my desire and had spoken of all them could not have concluded what had initially started to tell. I abstained from it then, but I do not want to be left out nothing of what the force with which to me goes, consider that deserves come to light, with the hope that all of this, there is something that can serve you if you want to use the experience of others, hopefully for evil always so, and could be, if we were more docile and not empeñásemos we suffer in our own flesh what we could have avoided by just having listened to those lectures us about it, always confident in his wise counsel. Redo
therefore referred to the funeral home that was in the C / Eugenio Montes, which was located in front of the Chemical Factory "Karola" YA RIGHT INTO ANYTHING THAT MUCH AFTER SERIOUS AND NO LONGER FACTORY SHOE OF JOHN VIDAL Banon, father of my great friend of the soul Antonin The Chieftain, now a monk at the Monastery of Silos from and more than forty years ... , Saying that the days January 5 of each year, went to ask a bit of straw in charge of the horses.
In my earlier account , I had to make efforts to not deviate from the story I wanted to tell. As described the environment where it was immediately initiated and was to end the greatest adventure of my life until that moment, sprang to my mind so many memories, that if he had free rein to my desire and had spoken of all them could not have concluded what had initially started to tell. I abstained from it then, but I do not want to be left out nothing of what the force with which to me goes, consider that deserves come to light, with the hope that all of this, there is something that can serve you if you want to use the experience of others, hopefully for evil always so, and could be, if we were more docile and not empeñásemos we suffer in our own flesh what we could have avoided by just having listened to those lectures us about it, always confident in his wise counsel. Redo
therefore referred to the funeral home that was in the C / Eugenio Montes, which was located in front of the Chemical Factory "Karola" YA RIGHT INTO ANYTHING THAT MUCH AFTER SERIOUS AND NO LONGER FACTORY SHOE OF JOHN VIDAL Banon, father of my great friend of the soul Antonin The Chieftain, now a monk at the Monastery of Silos from and more than forty years ... , Saying that the days January 5 of each year, went to ask a bit of straw in charge of the horses.
Among others, there were two black couples were always impressive in the hearse of men, (I guess to know that there was another one for women and children, all of it white as purity), both horses were lovely, but which one was friendly and docile, and it was my favorite. However, interestingly, I just remember the name of the most vicious, the most disagreeable. It was called "GAONA." Forgetting names with more reason should remember is something that is repeated in my so so repeatedly that I am guilty of such irreverence, considering that my forgetfulness, sometimes reaches people who have had much to do in certain aspects of my life, while for no reason, apparent or real, remember names and irrelevant sequences. Really want to understand the reason for this mystery. And look where at this moment, I just remembered the name of another horse; of my favorite: "JEREZ" Black as the devil's soul and so good and noble as no words to describe.
Asking the straw for the horses of the Magi, and with this you can give an idea of the boy who had to be at that time was that the gift I most longed for throughout my life was a bull cardboard that had exposed in a furniture store called Flori, next to the unforgettable Hotel Juanito then Garden Street, then Queipo de Llano and back gardens, except that given the current Government have named the street from The Passion or go you know.

Asking the straw for the horses of the Magi, and with this you can give an idea of the boy who had to be at that time was that the gift I most longed for throughout my life was a bull cardboard that had exposed in a furniture store called Flori, next to the unforgettable Hotel Juanito then Garden Street, then Queipo de Llano and back gardens, except that given the current Government have named the street from The Passion or go you know.
The sight of the bull was my obsession and its image I have reminded throughout my youth and still remember.
I lost because the Kings were upset to see that he had left some food for their horses ... What a good excuse for some Parents who only afford to buy a cow no bigger than a chihuahua, sitting on a little board with four wheels on which he slid the thumbnail if pushed properly.
twenty five years later when my son Thomas intimated his desire for a toy horse, I bought the most beautiful horse I found in the best shops in Benidorm, where they then resided. I do not know if you remember much of his horse, which as I never had, but I am sure of is that he did not learn any lessons, or matured as I matured to see that are not always met the desires.
And by then, as is beginning to happen now, anyone gave himself fortunate if he could get to the end of the month having covered their basic needs, being a blessing to have such a unique job with which to bring up the family.
I lost because the Kings were upset to see that he had left some food for their horses ... What a good excuse for some Parents who only afford to buy a cow no bigger than a chihuahua, sitting on a little board with four wheels on which he slid the thumbnail if pushed properly.
twenty five years later when my son Thomas intimated his desire for a toy horse, I bought the most beautiful horse I found in the best shops in Benidorm, where they then resided. I do not know if you remember much of his horse, which as I never had, but I am sure of is that he did not learn any lessons, or matured as I matured to see that are not always met the desires.
And by then, as is beginning to happen now, anyone gave himself fortunate if he could get to the end of the month having covered their basic needs, being a blessing to have such a unique job with which to bring up the family.
Therefore, in these circumstances, any incidental expenses such as gifts of "Three Kings", for it was very traditional and with a large family like mine, it was an ordeal for any parent who does not stand to see the disappointment in the eyes of their children.
Hence that fib about eating horses, discovered only years later, but meanwhile served to to understand the cause of my failure, accept the lesson and since then not only had the straw, but also the rosigones of bread that was saved, and the ration of water for preparing them in a couple of pots, putting my parents in a real hurry to leave them without excuse in the following years.
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