Saturday, March 5, 2011

Alllightweight Hiking Tents



It occurred to me to make an entrance with a few things that annoy me and would rather they would change the major cosmetic companies both and fashion. The examples illustrate with clear and concise. Some are common to most of you, I suppose, but others are simply things that drive me crazy lol, hope you like:)

1 . Advetising misleading results. Is not the same reduce wrinkles by 70%, 70% will appear their wrinkles are reduced somewhat.

2. Products sold for something then not deliver. If this does not remove wrinkles, sell it as a moisturizer, not as wrinkle.

3. A size 40 in Zara is smaller than Bershka (for example), why not use **$%*/*$*··*$%)·)·/ all the same *** *** boss!?

4. Teased us with things that logically can not be met ... your hair is not coming back smooth and cellulite will disappear in 3 weeks ¬ ¬, seriously, stop it, no one will believe it!

5. Weighing 20 kilos is not beauty

6. Why are there more sizes 32 to 38-40 in a store? measure the hip of the English and then speak ..

7. Why to I trousers from thigh I have to be two sizes too big hips? (Ignore that I think a girl with a normal proportion for a country like we live in, I have no hips disproportionate, and I have no peg legs)

8. that the size 38 shoe is finished first (GRRRRRRRR: @)

9. Mannequin's clothes were left in store

10. That book pictures of the season you love all the clothes and going to the store everything seems horrendous.

11. that the clerk has less idea of \u200b\u200bpotions you (even if you know little)

12. to put the scarves around the neck will cost 15 euros ¿WHY?

13. Stradivarius that I shred the pituitary with the tang of the alpha male

14. See people go so cute with white linen. Go, and believe I am in Grease.

15. That Springfield girl from which came after me until I go out (chased away by it) folding laundry was placed indiscriminately on whether or not, because they think I'm going to steal (to know that I have not bought at that store).

16. where to enter Hipercor have to put my backpack in a bag of these for shopping and a lady with a bag larger than a pregnant belly not have to do it (that, ladies, I repatea so that when I re- I'll go file a complaint).

I can think of more!
I hope some of these things will change soon! and most of you had a good time, because like it or not, some things are funny, but some = D

And you, what do you bother?

A big kiss to todassss!


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