Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Keepsake Sayings About Someone Who Has Died

Hello! I have no thought to write today, but I still apetece.Veamos that I get =)

Notice the thoughts that happen to me today by the head ... but if you still want to continue reading, do it together with this song, I can not stop listening and you gives a lot of personality to the text ... You can say I was inspired!
Thanks! ^ ^

Lately, since I received the great news, I spent very little time for many moods. From shock, to euphoria, not to believe, accept, and a strange feeling: I have always known what I wanted to study biology (small change in biochemistry) and go abroad to finish my studies. Now that both have been met (I mean that it is more or less determined). I do not know what to do next ... I would like to continue my studies, but ... has led the way over, and as you put it in some way in the blink of an eye, finish the race and will not have any plan to play, no way to go ... do not you know.

Plan A was to finish the race ... and then ... Why? I know there is still a year or so, but ... that's nothing, we all know and the simple fact of not knowing what to do next overwhelms me ... I feel that there is no long-term future. Even if I do a master, it's probably your thing, or a Ph.D. ... then the future is very black paint.

In class, every time it comes a new teacher, reminds us that we are the scum, averaging under 8 are not going to be nothing ... and I imagine in the future ... one working in Mc Donalds ... hahahaha, but ... I swear that I imagined.

But guess what? give them all!

few months ago looked impossible to fulfill my dream of living in an incredible country (though I speak without knowing, I've never been, but it attracts a lot) and here I am today, choosing the subjects that I to take in a few months in the Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. I say this with our heads high because we may not be as bright as expected to be, but I have hope and desire to learn. Perhaps what they consider to be brilliant not true. I do not think Nobel Prizes were the best in its class ... in fact there is a study that says that success in life has little to do with IQ, but what is your mind open to opportunities that come your way.

And this applies to all types of life. For someone with a current work in a company (which the end of the day is what I need) has to be a failure in life? The important thing is to feel accomplished. I'm sure, that many of my professors, so much like what proved to be smart in their day, are not as happy as it is the ordinary citizen with the film on Tuesday of the Sixth ... I bet a lot for it. So, for me to be a failure is not happy. Success is being who you want to be and not who society expects you to be, so ...

For the next ... by me on the other enters and leaves me, because I know I'll end up working in what I like and never again will someone come and tell me what I can and what I can do ... because even I believed in me when I took the roles of scholarship and I succeeded.

With this song showed me myself I can achieve whatever you want with enthusiasm and feel like my mood has improved a lot this afternoon. A stop to think and realize there is really as worth spending time .... to be happy and enjoy what you do ... frika either protein or enzyme and red lipstick in the mirror to see ourselves how great we are. No matter what they say no, because we can with what we throw.

I caught at a bad day, mind! I hope I have encouraged, and if not ... always smile =) Besos


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