Friday, March 18, 2011

Party Clad Women With Nylons

Interesting Products Kiehls Hair Care

Today I encourage you to write after having been a time without it, but I have not had almost no time, and I let go ... very bad for me the truth lol.
I speak a few products I've tried for two weeks and I liked the results, three of them are green bottega, a brand until recently unknown to me.

- Purifying Mask base Cucumber extract.
is a mask for combination skin, I use it once a week, wash my face thoroughly, then applied to me, let me start about 10 minutes and depues quito.Cuando me I've used it I noticed that I control the brightness and I noticed the skin more limpia.Me gives the same result when I use the green clay:)
can be purchased at the website of Bottega Verde and also in physical stores (you can look at it on the page website). Its price is around 10 euros.

- Body Butter with Sweet Almond oil and shea butter bio .
is for all skin types, but especially for those with skin seca.A I usually put my very dry skin legs, but that if no other, and it is difficult to find a cream that leaves me the skin as I like or dry and grease, and this has gotten, I really like how I left the skin so soft, and mens seca.Y with just a little bit that I have put me, I'm very happy.
Its price is around 15 euros.

- Lipstick Almond oil.
My lips are dry me a lot, and not only in winter too cold in the summer, and when I wear lipstick I note a lot of dry skin, so I decided to buy this bar to see that this, and what was my surprise, I'm going great, I wear it all days to go to work and lasts for a motnon d me time and I leave the lips very well, not me dry as before, is a past verdad.Ademas smells great. Approximately
costs about 8 euros.

- Hand Cream Neutrogena Concentrated
Well this product is well known, I have always heard of this cream as the best hands, but never encouraged me to use it, but this week no I could stand, I had super bad dry hands and even as flakes, a very rare thing, and since I started to wear it on Monday I noticed an incredible improvement not only the flakes have fallen, but I have not already so dry this year I think is the product that musta happier I bought, I have no regrets in spite of precio.Os absluto recommend it, I applied a little four times a day, leaves no hands fats, hydrates and has a good smell.
It is available in pharmacies and drugstores, its price varies according to where you buy it but around 8 euros.

And this is all in the next post I will speak of Midnight Kiehls Recovery Concentrate, which I have since poco.Feliz weekend!



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