Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kenmore 80 Series Washer Drum Trouble


Al roadside or out giving the people, used to be formerly, a place of worship with a cross or an image, which was called shrine, because both those who came from afar, as those who thought out long time, or just passing through there to anywhere if they were devout and in those days we all were, bowed his head and knee, between his teeth, invoking God in a very personal prayer.

shrines were round or square, with dirt floors or pavement, with or without columns, roof or ceiling, with cross of wood or iron or stone, or without any of them but with a blessed image. Weather could be more desolate or under the shade of a leafy tree, trellis or covered roof with frame around its perimeter or forming small steps culminating in the base of the cross. The latter were
that I really liked me, especially if they were raised, because they could see from afar, and mitigated the fatigue to learn that they were near the village.

I have known these shrines where they no longer exist. Progress and carry off all respects neither the loftiest traditions.

But there are still villages and towns where they are kept as silent witnesses to the passage of time, keeping to his credit many prayers that only peace should be in such holy places.

However, in the dark times of strife and hatred repressed, also served as a place of lurking, waiting patient over rival neighbor, demanding the relevant accounts under the law of the knife blade.

who was also going to this sacred place to the time the girls were returning from the ages, and cover in these executioners that protected them in their hard work wearing lighter clothing with lustful intent if any chance any of them, or maybe several, to bow before the cross devout, the light left his calves or part of your breasts, which camera lens at the moment, to capture and burn their retinas the image more beautiful, to have for a long time before such a virtual image, a source of torment to his lust. In

shrines, they used fire duels. It also dismissed their father to the children when they went in search of new horizons. There they stopped to thank those who returned successful and rich, and there hid their shame the failures that afflicted returned with empty hands, those who returned with a learned profession, or at least brought the experience that much better to live life.

But the greatest misfortune is that of those who never returned for ingratitude, have ended up dead or in any contest infamous.

Cuantísimos declared his love to a girl in the shrine. Peter, John Ippolito, Roberto, Ovid, ... declared there so many beauties who were giving birth each year, as God wanted it to complete the cycle of life that is not small.

And these rustic beds, small towns, came the equally rustic cribs that clothed the greater part of the great figures of our history.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fudicin For Cat's Injuries


My memories, sometimes escapes from Elda, my hometown, to incursions by those blessed fields Monóvar. In them is not easy to find human presence, although it is sensed. Is in the elaborate carving of its land, its clean margins, in Cabado recent strains in the red soil with the surrounding iron sulfate at the same time it gives them strength, protects, in sulfur Staining its branches trying to avoid insects and in short all the love that is scattered everywhere.

I can not help skew a small cluster of-way. The grapes are very sweet and ugo j made in the achicharradero broth or calms my thirst, or mitigates my heat, but left in my mouth and my lips a taste of summer evening that makes me lick a and again. The terraces are neglected sure sign of death or absence. There can be no negligence in this noble and selfless people. May sell or give away but never left in the abandoned what were clean and neat at the hands of their parents.

and they said all those words out sometimes from the mouth of an elder that I did not explain how you can still force to reach the slope or ravine where, he says, even when the body is entertaining, whimsical , does not put the trip.

These peasants caught my attention for a time a couple, father and son, who lived together in a cave in the ravine that runs through the village of Las Casas of the Lord, as if his spine. Front of the cave, across the avenue, a lovely house was available to both, but only to be rebuked them to live in it like civilized people, they refused to give unmistakable signs that the cave was found the world of good, no one will draw the attention this or that, by their fires and their meals according to what the cold or heat required and what your pantry store for them, without further conplicación rummaging through his bags, usually enriched with provisions that the family were going snuggling.

The father's name was Angel and all said Angelillo. It was very seasoned in his craft, cunning in the questions and answers cautious, and when it was a deal, do not know why, I had the impression that your fingers crossed behind his back to be granted to himself by that esoteric formula, the faculty had to say after the bread, which undoubtedly had the wine. In short, it was not very reliable. Many years ago and had met the eighties, but had an agility and vitality characteristic of a teenager. He was short, I used to wear a jacket, but underneath it in good weather but not wearing a shirt and his hair, fully preserved, it was completely white but he had passed a comb from the communion of the last great-grandchild. He had a squeaky little voice guttural, but as far raised the pitch, was not tired.
When interested in a conversation, it was quite usual for him to say what I imagined it would be the end of your sentence before the tell, as far as the mistake had to be constantly correcting also continually and sometimes as annoying after a correction, shook his head to one side and another as saying, "you say what you want, but what ib as to say is what I said."

As I liked to get along with them and did not want to be angry, when he was ahead of what would be the end of my sentence and its error did not break the whole thread of the plot, he nodded with a gesture so, although it had been wrong, and followed my story best.
had a tiny tractor carrying him any bad point was the way, and his son Jose Maria, who was nicknamed El Cojo followed him everywhere, curling up on the wooden platform that was towing a tractor attached to , funky like a dog and holding on to the table like a leech. Poor Jose Maria was born crippled and the only thing that was growing in proportion were the arms and head. The rest of the body had completely withered, his rib cage being no more than a boy of ten years. José María only moved the upper limbs and head, dragging the rest of his body, but it was very often and evil came to him from birth was so learned all martingales that were required to move it into what it is, he did it so naturally that we were all amazed.

His eyes were kind, like that with his mother, I imagine, looking at him, when his love was not enough to make it a normal child, but as with almost all children who have been persecuted by the misunderstanding, bad faith and fun of children who have always been the worst tormentors, while I watched, seemed to be thinking when you were going to start hurting their feelings. Therefore, the slow progress experienced their friendship and the feeling that was felt every time we met, as it were, almost, the first one we saw. It was very characteristic of him, away from your reach watched what he called your attention, especially when you asked him to lend you for a moment. When this occurred a laugh as if you were joking, but if they insisted, I very reluctantly approached, without actually releasing the hand or as little, without losing sight of the object and then open as far away as possible and dissimulation, was slowly covering it with this and the other until it was completely out of sight.

why it was better not to ask nothing, and when it was him who showed you something you could be sure it was an unequivocal sign of trust and friendship.

was very ambitious and frugal and only spend their money to buy land, if it sold it at a great price. José María might be times that I'm talking about forty-five, was not only ugly face and deformation of the body was so disfigured it. The sternum was pointing toward the front like a keel and shoulders when the arms supported on the floor, almost became mired below your ears. Still do not know if directed by his wit or by some great mechanic had built of the structure from a Vespa bike shed to form a compact carromoto which he, alone or accompanied by his father, moved to surrounding villages to sell articles of prime necessity of which was provisioned or generally in Pinoso Monóvar, close to The Houses of the Lord, to gain an additional benefit to that provided crops from their land.

Believe it or not, their lands were well attended and I say, raising my hand to mark my word, because that viejete almost nonagenarian, with his small tractor and tilled and fertilized in a flash plastic is up to the highest almond like a squirrel in the winter pruning or go knock from above, the almonds had not reached the bottom, while the crippled, with amazing agility as if it were a giant caterpillar crawling picking almonds that fell outside the network and deposited on them then, in tandem with his father, pouring its contents into the appropriate bags, which then tow the platform described above, transfer them to the cave where love and company in the bark drew almost detached from the actual almond shells said.

were always active and they talked me to consider myself more knowledgeable than them, they showered me with questions, which of them further what is presumed to be the conversation of these people, who mistakenly did not appear to enjoy a culture that he had wanted any degree.

Estimates of the performance of the kernel was one of the things they liked to play, but as I was present did not interrupt their work, ask questions and listen while separating the kernels of piquet and cid of marcona and mollares, then separate the mollares marcona as if they were mixed the minimum paid all the money and separated marcona were far more expensive than the piquet and mollares cid and much more expensive than marcona .

These between peeling and considerations and we went separate morning and when lunchtime came, knowing that they were not much given to invitations and hospitality, food pulled from my pack and following the ritual of them made me learn to eat without saying a word , not far occurred to suggest if there was something I longed to view them.

The old man came to an end, I guessed because I asked if he bought the tractor and sheep. I must have little desire to get rid of what he was distracted and life. José María

had long not with him. Asfisiaba asthma and needed him to be quiet. His lungs were oppressed in the case of a chest of child, and could only breathe with the aid of a spray that made her daily less effect.

Almost killed the couple, father and son, friends of the soul that have yet to wander by their beds, watching paint and ripping olive mamantones not to lose the tree strength.

sure when God calls for juic io be found in the shadow of those giants who were at the edge of the promenade of the landfill and God will see that his work is well attended, considering the soil tilled with care, pruned trees and filled with flowers and completely clean margins to hit Legon. And seeing that, do not want to do more investigation and will take them straight to heaven.

not they missed prayers and masses, but without doubt the most appreciated were the words of their children when almost simultaneously said, "WE CAN NOT LET YOU MISS THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN Terrace LIFE OF OUR FATHER AND our brothers. "

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Best Time To Get A Tan In Hawaii


Since I'm on the run, it might be an opportune time to talk more about my neighbors and my friends at different stages of my life, but I think you should talk to my people of your lifestyle, habits, character, traditions, legends ....

Like everything that counts will be mostly part of what I experienced, also serve to know me a little better, knowing how to know if something I have always exceeded it in sincerity.

Photo Corner Guard that you are seeing, would, no doubt, more than twenty years after the events I recount in this post. I know because, as you will observe, there is a car Simca 1000, and this car went on sale along with the dazzling Dogge Dart something after getting married, so that the photo dates back more than twenty years after our stay in this corner the time of my story ... ... My parents

I had not been granted the visa still my mind wander through the streets of my town and used to take them attached to all parties to where they were, especially the cinema in the holidays, and the Casino Eldense Sunday morning After Mass, an obligation that tried to take root.

was a custom also roam the countryside sunny winter afternoon, taking the ride to make a rich collection of Linson, with which they prepared a very nutritious salads.

Among the outputs did with my parents, I loved to go to the house of D. Azorín Luis and Maria Juan, especially its summer home, very well kept a small farm located in Station Road, next to the house of Ms. Bienevenida John, sister of Ms Maria. To all of them, their children and that place will devote an entire article because certainly deserve it and you could / rear interesting.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, tacitly my parents were beginning to skirmish afford without giving further explanation that "back then." Even if I ever came to look and saw he was playing happily allowed me to stay with friends recommended that I go away and that if I wanted a snack it did on my grandmother's house.

My world outside school and my family life was limited to an environment that did not exceed my street and the adjacent, except the routes had traveled with my parents repeatedly. Know how to go to Casino Eldense, the Church of Santa Ana, including the summer house of D. Luis Azorín, already at a respectable distance from my house and his itinerary had to go through all the streets of San Roque, before emptying into the avenue leading to the bridge was beginning to walk from the station, in the shadow of the bulk of a huge castle when I was already a grown man was only part of the keep, such was the apathy of the inhabitants of those barren hills, they built their homes with materials that eroded the Castle to the inefficiency a few mayors who never showed any interest in keeping this relic, but I think that he finally has done something in their favor. Better late than never.

A short distance from the base of the hillside cut peak served as the basis for that mole, with emerging signs of immediate ruin, a bridge mounted on pillars and arches of ashlar stone with ornate wrought iron railings of some watermark, gave way to the other side of our historic river Vinalopó who by the way, some scholars in the latest batch have wanted to snatch the authorship of death by drowning in the waters of the famous Amilcar Barca, saying innocently that in a river as less large one could not drown so famous character. As if the rivers do not change over the centuries! I wish I had seen these illiterate with their cap and gown in the midst of the waters of this river when it happens to have a flood! I have seen more than one in which the water has gone over its soaring arches despite its very wide channel in which the river could have drowned Amilcar and his entire army, but some will always give a ten to these eminent ports for their exceptional powers of observation. Speaking
Go not to believe they were like now, for those times there was no paved road and street talk, we referred to the wider streets, although general it was all dirt roads are waterlogged and muddy when it rained, unfortunately for our parents and our delight, we played without placing barriers to limit the current with stones and mud to get to do great works of engineering.

Our parents knew of our games and allowed ourselves with our fancy. The street was practically free from danger. Keep in mind that in the times of which I speak, the fleet of Elda was limited to two cabs, as they called taxis, one of Faustino and one from a German or Austrian based in Elda, a Emily van owned by Bellot, uncle of my friend Paquito Bellot and two cars whose owners were D. Antonio Porta and D. Rausa Paco Vera Santos, a manufacturer and a shoe salesman, and as there was only one jet of 0.75 cc. Moto Guzzi brand-Hispania who bought Maxi Aguado, the maker of molds for his son when he was old enough to drive it and two Lubes of 1.25 cc. that caused furor.

will understand that the tranquility of the streets was almost complete in regard to motorized traffic, except for the stretch of main road Madrid-Alicante, which ran down the street from Garden Avenue Chapí that were logically busiest and most logically why we were forbidden to travel.

From early morning until the electric lights were turned on there, permanently, a policeman directing traffic. Municipal template-such was the local police of those days, I do not think he reached ten, and that there was a fixed guard on the market and another on the door of the mayor, took place "Lino" until retired, yet we all seemed there were too many, this was the peace and tranquility, while today we are not sure with nunguna safeguard. THE PRICE OF FREEDOM!

Of all the guards to direct traffic at that corner, highlights the unforgettable "barrels"; wide back, short neck, small of stature and pleasantly friendly face gesturing and dancing to the sound of the whistle, taking on as one that says large moles that were beginning to go through Nuesto people, of which one, had to infinite number of maneuvers in order to make the turn the corner without taking ahead of the tailor shop that made me the first suit of my life, that the picture is closed and whose walls can still appreciate the occasional rubs truck .

I think it was the time Brotóns barrel and which coincided with the diversion of the road, reducing traffic very considerably, and while the guard kept coming to the corner, it was never what it was, but what remains in my memory.

Behind the guard, who always gave off the street, gardens, and occupying a small space too small and shabby little square that was there, they installed a Carrico with all kinds of nuts, pandehigos, lupines, anise, sweet , stratum, and licorice, among other items. The man ran a huge mustache whose ends widened as if they were blades, yellowed by the smoke of snuff. His countenance reminded that I do not know why my imagination suggests to me as a soldier of fortune or a filibuster, though his character was gentle and his face predisposed to the friendly smile. Is surprising that with the age I could have remember every detail of their appearance, including her outfit, with those stuffed shirts, vest and pants with little pockets of brown or gray corduroy covering a thin body of just under 1.7 or high . She wore sandals without socks and covered his head with a cap when it is removed to dry the sweat left it a completely bald aponeurotic galea and ostensibly white, being almost constantly shaded.

Ataulfo \u200b\u200bThe Carrico's Uncle, that was his name, who through the miracle of the word is reborn, was in line with one side of the square, at the bottom, always looking from the back of our guard on duty was a source. She is usually flocked where my sisters and sometimes my mother to get water for drinking and cooking, since coming to the houses had a perverse taste and never used for human consumption. I sometimes went with who was the source, but if I could I avoided because they generally had to queue and I never liked having to wait, but then I liked hearing the stories they told my sister about what had happened at the source, than I, despite being there, or I had learned.

At home at the corner with the square, whose ground floor would be installed many years after the Armory Torres, just to the right of the picture of Uncle Ataulfo, according to the model we already know, there was a tragic event that was very famous for the macabre.

A member of the household, male, no reason that could alleviate so unhappy decision, hanged himself, leaving balance your body on a huge bonfire that had previously lit below where I had to be hung up his body.

Both, of many different forms, they disappear leaving no trace that the memory you can get them in that generation wanted their immediate and perhaps, if any, what someone like me can get light sixty-odd years later, those who leave always give way to those who come, but with those who leave, something we are going too. My fingers are still trying to get a sunflower pipe through the metal mesh that protected those nuts. Never did it but are still struggling without success there, but now I know it would have sufficed to ask him.

Ataulfo \u200b\u200bTio, which I'm sure no one remembers, has happened to me and I hope you pass with a good time, remembering those times, so difficult that both taught us to appreciate even the smallest of trifles .

Where Can You Buy Jessica Simpsons Clothing Line


Memory is like a large attic that houses what is not routine, and so that in their daily life, at any given time struck us so special.

also keep the moments that caused us satisfaction, those who were close to the surface our awareness, those who hurt us and deception caused misery, those who made us proud ...

A memory does not like to store certain memories, but can not avoid them. Even so, it ensures that the more we can embarrass, are better hidden, but narrow and dark is the place where they hide. Other memories, such infinite light and of sorrow, swarm everywhere, and their abundance, sometimes long before that to reconnect.
The most difficult to find, that almost always come to be amazed us most are those who return to us unexpectedly, as a flash memory gives birth to, attending to the images, sometimes blurred, that are being open its doors to discover it did not even know he was in the inventory of our consciousness, something so far away sometimes we doubt if it's actually coming to haunt us not being able to check, when we can not find who we are corroborating, by death anyone who could have done.

As a teenager I had an experience I was impressed. When boiling, the milk that my mother would prepare breakfast, consumed overflowed part of the intense heat of the iron plate that old stove that sometimes reached to turn red. The smell of spilled milk and charred that brought me memories of my own image with no more than two years old. Was with a man not much taller than me, that made me cuddle. His hands, his clothes, everything smelled of milk and he had come to my house in a cart pulled by a horse slightly larger than a pony. I was raised in the car and taken to a farmhouse where there were all sorts of animals and I knew I felt very happy in that environment. I missed

tiempo para contarle a mi madre mi visión y ella, algo sorprendida de que hubiese podido acordarme de ello, me contó que cuando aún era yo muy pequeño, tanto que quizás solo chapurrease algunas palabras, venía a casa un lechero al que se le conocía como Juanico El Cabrero, que tenia amputadas las piernas por debajo de las ingles, protegiendo sus muñones con unos cueros que los envolvían. Aún así daba pasos cortitos cuando media la leche y tenía una agilidad fuera de lo común cuando tenia que subir o bajar del carro.

Juanico "El Cabrero" murió y su ausencia desvaneció su imagen, volviendo a mí catorce años después, porque un olor fue la llave que abrió la puerta of his memory.

I was glad to have remembered and I was glad that my mother told me about it. Had brought forward his family and despite his alleged invalidity mowed, fed the animals, pasture, milking the goats and then sold the milk and cheese and meat of animals sacrificed, leaning on his two stumps and on the knuckles of his hands calloused, which dragged on the ground much more significantly than if it were an ape.


In my earlier account , I had to make efforts to not deviate from the story I wanted to tell. As described the environment where it was immediately initiated and was to end the greatest adventure of my life until that moment, sprang to my mind so many memories, that if he had free rein to my desire and had spoken of all them could not have concluded what had initially started to tell. I abstained from it then, but I do not want to be left out nothing of what the force with which to me goes, consider that deserves come to light, with the hope that all of this, there is something that can serve you if you want to use the experience of others, hopefully for evil always so, and could be, if we were more docile and not empeñásemos we suffer in our own flesh what we could have avoided by just having listened to those lectures us about it, always confident in his wise counsel. Redo

therefore referred to the funeral home that was in the C / Eugenio Montes, which was located in front of the Chemical Factory "Karola" YA RIGHT INTO ANYTHING THAT MUCH AFTER SERIOUS AND NO LONGER FACTORY SHOE OF JOHN VIDAL Banon, father of my great friend of the soul Antonin The Chieftain, now a monk at the Monastery of Silos from and more than forty years ... , Saying that the days January 5 of each year, went to ask a bit of straw in charge of the horses.

Among others, there were two black couples were always impressive in the hearse of men, (I guess to know that there was another one for women and children, all of it white as purity), both horses were lovely, but which one was friendly and docile, and it was my favorite. However, interestingly, I just remember the name of the most vicious, the most disagreeable. It was called "GAONA." Forgetting names with more reason should remember is something that is repeated in my so so repeatedly that I am guilty of such irreverence, considering that my forgetfulness, sometimes reaches people who have had much to do in certain aspects of my life, while for no reason, apparent or real, remember names and irrelevant sequences. Really want to understand the reason for this mystery. And look where at this moment, I just remembered the name of another horse; of my favorite: "JEREZ" Black as the devil's soul and so good and noble as no words to describe.

Asking the straw for the horses of the Magi, and with this you can give an idea of the boy who had to be at that time was that the gift I most longed for throughout my life was a bull cardboard that had exposed in a furniture store called Flori, next to the unforgettable Hotel Juanito then Garden Street, then Queipo de Llano and back gardens, except that given the current Government have named the street from The Passion or go you know.

The sight of the bull was my obsession and its image I have reminded throughout my youth and still remember.

I lost because the Kings were upset to see that he had left some food for their horses ... What a good excuse for some Parents who only afford to buy a cow no bigger than a chihuahua, sitting on a little board with four wheels on which he slid the thumbnail if pushed properly.
twenty five years later when my son Thomas intimated his desire for a toy horse, I bought the most beautiful horse I found in the best shops in Benidorm, where they then resided. I do not know if you remember much of his horse, which as I never had, but I am sure of is that he did not learn any lessons, or matured as I matured to see that are not always met the desires.

And by then, as is beginning to happen now, anyone gave himself fortunate if he could get to the end of the month having covered their basic needs, being a blessing to have such a unique job with which to bring up the family.

Therefore, in these circumstances, any incidental expenses such as gifts of "Three Kings", for it was very traditional and with a large family like mine, it was an ordeal for any parent who does not stand to see the disappointment in the eyes of their children.

Hence that fib about eating horses, discovered only years later, but meanwhile served to to understand the cause of my failure, accept the lesson and since then not only had the straw, but also the rosigones of bread that was saved, and the ration of water for preparing them in a couple of pots, putting my parents in a real hurry to leave them without excuse in the following years.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pitavastatin Equivalent Doses


My dear, my hometown, where he began to take shape my character and emulate in a dream where all the geniuses of the universe, feeling capable of performing the most extraordinary feats from the earliest age I remember wanted to take a trip to the most remote jungles of Africa Central, which was supposed to reside Tarzan of the Apes.

My old enough to believe to make the trip, with my best friend back then, Paquito Bellot, aboard the shutter of a window, painted green, solid wood, the kind that in those years still manufactured, to which my brother Gillermo, eleven years older than me, I had promised attach wheels never had the time nor the money needed to run, leaving work without finalizing and with it my broken dream.
Given the ongoing delays, and I decided I could convince my friend that could leave the next day, that being Thursday, we had no school afternoon.

As the car was without wheels of course, we knew we could not get into it though alcanzásemos routes downhill, but it could always serve to lead, even if dragged, utensils and food that we had to bring on the trip.

The day was full of excitement, especially for my friend who got carried away though, was not so convinced of success as I was going to have our trip. Moreover, in such a short time we had to get everything he could to make us lack, such as a backpack or a good bag, strong enough to avoid breaking the interference with the branches of trees, a good knife to mow it, a flashlight, a rope six feet at least two boxes of matches, a candle, a bottle of water, a couple of loaves of bread and a few ounces of chocolate. It would not take much more because once we reached the forest could be fed with bananas and all fruits that hung from the branches there.

At the agreed time we are in the courtyard portal Rico David Rico, an older child that I, who then had the good fortune that gave me their friendship, which lasted until his death. The father of this unforgettable friend named D. Recaredo Rico and was the foreman of the Hon. Ayuntamiento de Elda, who with his wife Doña Adelina Rico formed a marriage that my opinion, as I met them, were a model in which mirror reflected aspired me when he came to form a family. Paquito

My friend did not come equipped with more than a snack and all I could get was, besides a lighter snack I found in a drawer, from which the spark but not lit, but soon convinced Paquito that with him we could start a fire by blowing the spark on the dry leaves in the forest should be very abundant.
Sitting on the patio portal David Rico started drawing the plan of what would be our immediate travel and, considering that we should be strong, we decided to have tea while we decided to where we had to address and calculate the time that more or less going to take.

Although we had not any baggage, we decided to take our car without wheels, to him, carrying food and utilities that may be found along the way, and as the place where we were was the C / Eugenio Montes, semiesquina the C / Antonio Maura, we think it best to go to the C / Lamberto Amat to lead the Monovar Road, which will almost certainly put us in the direction of AFRICA.

We had not run even half of the C / Eugenio Montes, when at the height of which was the chemical plant "Karol", VERSUS THE FUNERAL THAT WAS THEN THERE AND WHERE THE FIVE DAYS OF JANUARY often asked STRAW FOR SOME OF THE KINGS HORSES, my friend Paquito began to feel homesick for his mother, a midwife lovely blue eyes and white hair that just came out the street the day of his funeral, because he suffered asthma prevented him from up and down the stairs to the third floor, and very seriously told me

Juanito, why not leave it for another day, when the car has put the wheels? AND SUNDAY BEST, TO LEAVE EARLY MORNING.

I tried to convince him that it was better to follow him because we had already begun the trip and assured him Tarzan knew that when the whole tour that we had to know, surely reward us with part of one of the treasures that he knew, can return to our parents rich.

But because of my pressure sensed by the way it moist eyes, that at any moment was to be put to mourn, I gave up my attempt and grabbing the rope that dragged our car without unusual wheels, spun around, not without some difficulty and invite to my friend to spend the rest of the afternoon playing with bugs in the backyard of my grandmother blessed, away from the dangers of the dense jungles.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Controladores Do Hairls

Lush Midnight

A couple of weeks ago I made my first order with lush, had read much about this brand especially in forums, and all for good, and as the idea that natural products are like me, after a while with the idea to surround the head they encourage me to do so.

first thing that struck me was to test some of their solid shampoos, so I prefer the shampoo as new as this shampoo is made to revitalize the leather cabelludo.Esta indicated for people who suffer a temporary loss of hair due to stress or derangement hormonales.Como I said in previous posts some time for fall use shampoos hair, to strengthen more.and as I like to try as I said why not hehe.
After several days using it I have to say I'm happy with the result, I leave the hair clean and bright, yet I can not see the results on whether or not I strengthens the hair, but with a little more time I guess you will see resultados.También comment that the smell you have is super rich, mostly dominated by its smell of mint, as it is one of its components.

The second thing I asked for was the scrub ocean salt, I needed an exfoliant and as I read this as wonders of comprarmelo.Y decided to say, great, I like what I apply mucho.Me twice a week, and I take a long massage with him, then he would leave a couple of minutes and rinse it with water I fria.Yo I have combination skin and I usually go out bumps, and I have some imperfection, and this product is ideal because it cleans in profundidad.Además spreads a lot with a little bit that you have to take the whole face.

the third product to cost me more determined, but in the end I chose the sugar exfoliating body scrub , its ingredients are good for celulitis.Me much like the smell is a smell relaxing but what I like most is that when I applied to me is super soft skin.

And as for not asking that is, I asked several samples of different products but in the end just sent me two, but I like hehe happy

One sample is a piece of facial cleanser hour pharmacy, I've used several times and also I've been happy with the result, I leave the skin without any fat, and very clean but mostly what I like most is that when I play it's dry and this sequita no fat or shine, and a little we have.

And the other samples they sent me was a bit of bubble gum lip balm is super rich, the smell is to apply a little bit true chicle.Me Product and exfoliates me a while until the lips are suevecitos me, it's great!

And this is all I can say lush, I was very happy with this first order repeat myself so sure:) Of course I did say that the order to the UK website, I had commented that it was cheaper, is not really good because I have not made comparisons, I q, the total was € 24.00. I put

prices of everything are those who put the website of Spain.

Ocean salt: 120g pot € 10.50
pharmacy on duty: 6.50 €
Like New: 7.25 €
Sugar scrub: 3.60 €
Bubble gum: 6.75 €


Weymouth Club Weymouth Ma Cost

Recovery Concentrate

In this post I'm going to talk about the famous mignight recovery of kiehls.Se concentrate is a concentrated serum repair, which is used by the noche.Está created to combat the natural lipids of the skin and get your repair during the night, as an oil is applied with a dropper, after the usual cleaning ourselves, we take two or three drops on the palm and then pat us spread abroad through the face.

two months I've been using it, and my impressions have been good, I notice that my skin looks better, the notoriety as more light, clean ... and that at first I was a little scared because it is oily I have the skin mixed, but nothing quite the contrary, I have no more shiny or anything, and I do not go over bumps as I had said nothing other girls ... I have to say is that at first start using it, only me applied once or twice a week for what he had heard said about the product to the skin excerpts, and such .. but after discussion the girl stand d kiehls, I apply it every night, because she assured me this is not so, that what happens is that there comes a time that the product can do more than what he has done and that's what we pasa.Decir also the first time I applied what I noticed something different in my skin, but to actually see the changes you need one or maybe two weeks. His

price is € 39.00, which is darling but if we consider that we have two or three drops for each application, if you also count the times we apply it to the week, which does not have to be seven days d the week, this product is going to last for months, so seeing it that way if we are worth.

Well here I leave a review but I wanted to share with you @ s, I hope you liked it:)


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Walden Gallaria Plus Size Stores

Enjoying the nice weather =)

Holaaaa! For all girls, here I am, resting in the shadow in my porch after a long winter and feel like going out for some fresh air. And you, are you enjoying the Sabbath? muuuuuak!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Allinurl: Kates Playground Movie

Yes .. I too have fallen ... More LUSH

I knew, I had read so many blogs, I knew that would happen, but I still Lush to go and see for myself ... I've only gone once and I'm already planning to return ...

As I said a few products I liked more than others, but overall I have a good impression of the brand, but not so much store in the city but good for the next smart.

A mask will fall, although I have not decided which one I will not repeat with anticatástrofe and I really am thinking American Cream catch me but I see sooo expensive sorely me back.

Today I
to discuss two solid shampoos and a rare thing that I recommend for my boy. jaajaj

Karma solid shampoo.

I use it only on weekends, because I have at my mother and I only go on weekends . The smell at first I did not pay too much attention, I was looking for something sweet, but now that I love. Not to smell, but it is green and smells like green, but not Green botany (subject of first I hated with all my heart and reminds me of the rosemary and all cooking spices do not know why, lol) but fresh green, clean. Then the hair smells for a long time and I love it, use the weekends as it reminds me of rest, fun, see my boy .. osea all good ...
If you've been good during the week, the weekend will molar a lot .. or so says the karma not! jejeje

Results: Hair is clean, with very little (I do foam on hand in 3 seconds and head!) is sufficient to clean all around and everything. I leave the hair very well but also has a feature by which stress, as a special glow or unravel ... normal shampoo for normal hair. It does not give any fat, hair quite clean hold time, but I still I have the roots then fat, but I have understood what normal people (those who have oily hair the next day) they takes a little more.

I love that has no container. It's great because in addition to a protracted, this package you save yourself and the world. I've been using it every day of the weekend (yes, I wash my hair weekends Friday, Saturday and Sunday) for exactly one month, what they do ... total .. 15 washes (as Lush lasts an average of 80 washes), which is almost 20% of the washes, but I really see it whole .. I left at the half, so it should be 40% half used ... but it is equally ... so with this save life, because it makes a lather ... and it lasts a thousand years ...

Lush I really think that is an expensive store, but as solid shampoos I'm sure it's much cheaper than other brands. Yes shampoo to tomatoes will end soon and the other half I'll get to Karma do math (my hair is quite long, mid-back and growing) of those hard, we washed the accounts as the month goes more or less.

In short: I love the shampoo, especially when combined with conditioner Jungle, which split it in half and I took it home to my mother, because I think it smells great combination and do not cover each other, but complement great. Buy it again, but bearing in mind that Lush has many more solid shampoo smells great, I'll trying other, who knows if my true love is between them =) What I have clear is how expensive that I seems to buy there, I'll stay with shampoos solids before the liquid, as it gives me the impression that they last much less and above are expensive.

Barrita or whatever Snake Oil

She recommended it to my boyfriend because he has too much skin very dry, in fact has eczema on the legs and sometimes in the face too. I have not tried it but I tell you what I told him.
smells HORRIBLE, FATAL, WRONG, it does not say it (well tmb), but me. The truth is that when I went to lush could not smell anything because a punch I hit the pituitary odors and was KO for two hours at least. At that time I smelled it and did not notice that smelled so bad ... in fact I thought it did not smell great, but like everything in lush smells good then it should also smell good .. I learned my lesson: ask for samples of something you're not sure.
duration: low, my boy not wash your hair every day, but already has almost exhausted, and he is looking forward to the truth, even if you put type mask before showering, and then does not smell much, but it is quite annoying, plus it moisturizes and all, but I see the hair then you are not 100% clean, but with a fat capita, and not the shampoo because I have yours I tried and my hair was perfect.
So the results are good, because hydrates, but given the range of moisturizers that are in lush best a good good hydrating mask or conditioner and also stimulate your senses in the right direction no?
In short: do not buy back even more dandruff Mike had hair, before it is returned to H & S.

solid shampoo Without a Trace

E ste shampoo is indicated to supplement it with the stick before and it is for dandruff dry and flaking due to drying, therefore is supposed to be pretty moisturizing. The truth is that it removes dandruff, usually the H & S creates a layer on the scalp that leaves falling, but of course that's not the problem. It's literally hide under the carpet, so I committed etab that he might, and usually leaving the H & S will produce a rebound effect, dandruff all out for a while until it rebalances everything and then usually falls. But with this shampoo has not had that effect, but his head has been clean and perfect from the beginning. Dandruff free ... jajaj as the announcement of the players: in the head, anything but dandruff!
The smell is not good, but it is more bearable than the damn pink bar.
The next one will certainly use Mike ocean, hit a lot, with a good conditioner or mask (the most moisturizing of any, to meet the hydration it needs), but try not smell too "girl ", to be fixed right and necessary jejejeje

For girls, that's all for today, hope that you will not have created the need =)

a big kiss! Muak!!
Laura ^ ^

Monday, April 4, 2011

Online Games Where You Make Women Pregnant

My experience leaving silicones.

Chicasss Hello!! I have a while before eating and going to class so I am going to comment a little bit my experience with silicone-free campus. Nor do I have nothing special to say, but hey if anyone is interested here it goes =)

really do not know if the silicone is bad or not, but hey, try not lose anything. The shampoo was chosen yes to tomatoes from sephora. It is 9.95 and a pint. You know I love this shampoo, but let's what the results are.

my hair in principle had no such rebound effect that is read all over the Internet, or entangled more or anything like that. It really was as if I were using a normal shampoo. If I started to notice hair smoother and lighter a few washes. But I removed it curled all, that if the hair is so true. Now I notice that more hair is hydrated to wear masks and now comes the little sun shines brightly. Noto scalp much lighter and as you can breathe. No, it may be suggestive but I do notice it more healthy, but I is not abusing it a lot, or dyes or anything too aggressive.

Keep in mind that while leaving the silicone I got the Japanese straightening and does not need anything special in her hair, just a good conditioner as hair tangles a lot smoother.

In summary I am very glad I stopped silicones also because I have to use more natural things always benefit the body. Also, I'm used to natural odors and the usual shampoo is more false than me Judas, I smell good, but I wonder what lead to smell so artificial?!

That is all. I hope someone will serve ^ ^
A great big kiss and enjoy next week with an amazing time (and even without allergies) =) besitoooss
Laura ^ ^

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Mastiff Has A Bursa

bath with foam. (Lush, Body Shop and Yes to Carrots)

Si ... need much I've spent one hour stuck in the water with different potions in the face, body and hair ... How can a simple leave me as a new bathroom?

When I do this, very very occasionally, I treated total. Facial mask, hair and body exfoliation. Some are in my daily routine, and others like me soooo much I try to use it only on special occasions. Here are =)


- Lush Fresh Face Mask ANTICATÁSTROFE .

I bought my only visit to Lush fuencarral and truth more than she expected. This month I've been really stressed and needed something to avoid, for that, a catastrophe, but that has not happened. I have had several bumps even though a year or so I have only at specific times and I had a little too dry eczema on the cheek .. Is nearly complete and I have put it because hey, a mask is a mask and a feeling of something in the face do not know why but I love the rituals of beauty. The result is neutral, neither better nor worse than it was. Would not buy, but if I would not say they give because it is chilly and smells good, clean =)

- Cleanser SKIN ANGEL Lush.

amazing ... simply amazing. At first I had to smell, but the result is impressive as I have become accustomed. Smell lavender pulling back, but the shape and texture that has reminded me the bread, and do not know if it's something that does not identify or just placebo but deep down I smell a bit of bread. The smell is not the best he has, but the results. It takes a little bit and becomes a mass mixed with drops of water. Are exfoliating but are not at all aggressive, which I use day and night and I have very sensitive skin and I'm better than ever about itching and allergic reactions. the result is a clean and incredibly soft skin, beautiful, bright ... simply love her ... not be well if all those lush, but if the taste is for samples, I will not let this ever ...


- mask RAIN FOREST line of Body shop.

is the first mask I use silicone-free, ay two months ago that I left. It is for very dry hair and is used with wet hair. is supposed to leave at least 5 minutes to overnight if you wish and then only clear, but I can not clarify it completely and stays in your hair, so use it before lavarmelo and then shampoo and conditioner me and withdrawal. It is very moisturizing, leaves your hair very healthy and keeps me much split ends as the Japanese straightening me a month ago and some tango pair easily open to me ... I keep them fully in line and my hair is better than ever. The buy back but surely try the other before, and I'm discovering a world of smells wonderful =) have honey and other things that do not understand why it is in French but it smells great and I think a good product.


I bought it when I started to leave the silicon and then I was adding products and conditioners, but I'm very happy with it. Spreads a lot and the smell drives me crazy. Not for nothing the typical smell of shampoo, or natural brands ... I guess that tomato smell, but as clean ..... not ... but when not using mask (as the smell of it remained for several days in hair) come waves of shampoo and mmm I love, but there is a noticeable odor. Nobody has told me that smells strange or anything like that. Buy it again because I think a great product and perhaps accompanied corresponding conditioner and mask. LOVE ME

- Lush Jungle Conditioner.

I bought it because I wanted to try a solid conditioner (also I have a shampoo that I love but I use it on weekends because the smell is ....... mioo GOD) but the experience was not entirely satisfactory. I like that do not use plastic that lasts them a lot but it is very difficult to implement. Lush The girl told me to do the extura in there hands and hair, but that's impossible, I do not get .. so I withdraw the moisture and step three or four times by the hair, with emphasis on means and ends. the result is OK, but not too hydrated removes tangles and smells good, very floral and jungle when it's finished lol no doubt prove a non-solid, because I find it really awkward to implement.

Today hair has air dried, and that after the Japanese straightening me is impeccable. In next post I will tell my experience, very satisfying indeed =).

BODY. Here
body shop takes the lead and use almost all Shea products range.
Daily use gel, I love the smell but I do spend less penalty. But today I used:

Shea Soap

The smell is like that of the whole range, and usually not I use because the soaps are uncomfortable for the body, but the truth is that it is a very good product, it smells great and froth but quite dense, this lets you layer product. I love it.

Shea Scrub.

is incredible, is one of those products that only use on special occasions because it is not particularly cheap and I find it too expensive to spend everything I wanted. In the pot does not smell very good because it takes salt, but when you spread the salt dissolves slowly and is only being a sort of moisturizing oil that smells like heaven. then the water slide and do not really need more hydration. Give a 10, repeat forever with him ... great great great.


Normally if I use the scrub does not use butter because it already is moisturizing, but today I wanted to smear. The smell lasts much skin. I quite like, although I have to choose I prefer the scrub, which does double duty and I do not I have the body's skin dry and roe. haha if they would buy, but alternating with the scrub.

When I leave my Nivea moisturizer that I presented in this post and ale, ready, smelling and feeling great glory =)

you give yourself a relaxing bath with beauty session including from time to time?

A big kiss! You'll have a great sunny Friday!
Laura ^ ^

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Berger Paint(ja) Colour Chart

I did it!

Yeahhh! Saturday moments spent with momentary stress when I did not like what I tried, but eventually the event was really cute!
I took things very wearable, to take advantage of this spring and the truth is that I see very well with that style, but not for everyday, as I am of jeans, sweatshirt and sneakers, as comfortable possible! but for me seems quite ideal weekend!

are the stuff that I bought and I wore the christening.
The basic T obviously did not buy it, I have these in abundance, so I grabbed a white one and I put it under the jersey draft.
I entusiasmadísima with raincoat. It looks great, and I feel so "Serena" with her hahaha

makeup was as usual, only to score more tabs, I do not see very well in shade and was quite fast because I had time, so the makeup was very simple but natural jejeje

The hair that I did was I showed in the previous post, and I put a loop in the same tone beige shoes looked great and gave a sophisticated touch, turning from side instead than upward, so that seemed a secluded that it takes an hour to make and it took me like 30 seconds.

I am very satisfied having overcome this challenge! I proved that even in times of panic is something that helps us best to go to a special event cute =)

The truth is that I saw really cool things in general, but had no time to stop and try on everything, so perhaps it played a renewal of cabinet that for years I've been the same and only buy things at times.

yes yes I'm happy! When I pass the upload photos for you to see the outcome =)

A big kiss to all and enjoy what's left of Sunday to start this new semanita forces spring =)
Laura =)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pinewood Derby Block Dimensions

Friday! Things that annoy

And the last to practice in the morning and afternoon classes! on Tuesday and be able to live life beyond uniiiii! yeahhhhhhhhhhh
'm sooooooo happy!

I tell you, tomorrow, and suddenly I have a baptism ... Not that I told him yesterday, but as I have a thousand years to practice on Saturday and Sunday I do not want for anything up early to go shopping ... queeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and tomorrow morning I will go, and if I find anything you may die ... because I have appropriate clothing for the occasion ... all I have a little more settled is the wedding of my cousin, but all the lace fabric is too fixed = S so ... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED if, or as they say in facebook ...

manoletinas had thought of something kind, that's going to be spring but have been bad weather, some type shorts, shirt and jerseicito of these that are as full of holes. .. but not because I am very Specialists in the tester and I do not look good with anything ... so afraid to appear ufff I have my sister's clothes have not ni la misma talla... así que imaginad.... jajajaja

Bueno, hoy me meto en facebook y veo que contolstyle ha subido un  vídeo nuevo, que es un recogido precioso de la muerte y bastante informal... totalmente del estilo que yo me haría su supiese... pero como es un tutorial!!!!!!!!!!!!! no podía ser más acertado el video!! Gracias Noemí!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bueno girls, solo era para contaros que mañana voy a ir a por todas hahaha and I will tell you if I found something or that! jajaja
by the way, I am addicted to lush products I bought, and I've tried enough to make a review so on Wednesday I'll go with it.

A besotee, you'll have a genialllllllllllllllllllllllll weekend!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Party Clad Women With Nylons

Interesting Products Kiehls Hair Care

Today I encourage you to write after having been a time without it, but I have not had almost no time, and I let go ... very bad for me the truth lol.
I speak a few products I've tried for two weeks and I liked the results, three of them are green bottega, a brand until recently unknown to me.

- Purifying Mask base Cucumber extract.
is a mask for combination skin, I use it once a week, wash my face thoroughly, then applied to me, let me start about 10 minutes and depues quito.Cuando me I've used it I noticed that I control the brightness and I noticed the skin more limpia.Me gives the same result when I use the green clay:)
can be purchased at the website of Bottega Verde and also in physical stores (you can look at it on the page website). Its price is around 10 euros.

- Body Butter with Sweet Almond oil and shea butter bio .
is for all skin types, but especially for those with skin seca.A I usually put my very dry skin legs, but that if no other, and it is difficult to find a cream that leaves me the skin as I like or dry and grease, and this has gotten, I really like how I left the skin so soft, and mens seca.Y with just a little bit that I have put me, I'm very happy.
Its price is around 15 euros.

- Lipstick Almond oil.
My lips are dry me a lot, and not only in winter too cold in the summer, and when I wear lipstick I note a lot of dry skin, so I decided to buy this bar to see that this, and what was my surprise, I'm going great, I wear it all days to go to work and lasts for a motnon d me time and I leave the lips very well, not me dry as before, is a past verdad.Ademas smells great. Approximately
costs about 8 euros.

- Hand Cream Neutrogena Concentrated
Well this product is well known, I have always heard of this cream as the best hands, but never encouraged me to use it, but this week no I could stand, I had super bad dry hands and even as flakes, a very rare thing, and since I started to wear it on Monday I noticed an incredible improvement not only the flakes have fallen, but I have not already so dry this year I think is the product that musta happier I bought, I have no regrets in spite of precio.Os absluto recommend it, I applied a little four times a day, leaves no hands fats, hydrates and has a good smell.
It is available in pharmacies and drugstores, its price varies according to where you buy it but around 8 euros.

And this is all in the next post I will speak of Midnight Kiehls Recovery Concentrate, which I have since poco.Feliz weekend!
