Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flu Myalgia Arrthralgia

Feelings Good news and experience overcoming consumerism =)

Hi girls! It took a while to disappear, but after the exams needed a break. Back with great force, and also a great news ... HAVE GIVEN ME THE SCHOLARSHIP TO STUDY IN CANADA !!!!!!!!!
I'm still hallucinating, I have a lot of paperwork, but I do not care, I'm very excited, and academic opportunities that will give me will be very big ... =)

said, wanted to dedicate today's post consumerism. During the holidays I saw a documentary about consumerism in the U.S., people mortgage their lives to buy a zillion inch screen no longer required. (Of course there are men who need to live on while watching football ... but no one needs a physiologically supertelevisión or any gadget such that we enter through the eyes).

ago years that I take this seriously, but this story left me with very bad taste ... I have things I do not need when there are people who can not afford a place to sleep ... I have to change it now

guess with the makeup and fashion is the same. Many of those who will labor will read me, but I, who almost full time study I have a limited money, which in recent months trying to maximize. Still, you work sure you have many expenses, and more at these times, there is one for gastar en cosas que no necesita no?

Reconozco que hace unos años, en mi adolescencia, era hiper-consumista. Mis amigas y yo nos comprábamos mínimo una o dos cosas cada finde. Ya fueran las bragas del Oysho, o un pintauñas, o una camiseta.... Cosas que realmente no necesitábamos o que, en muchos casos, usábamos la primera semana y después nos olvidábamos de ello.

En estos años desde Bachillerato hasta ahora he ido cambiando. Yo misma soy capaz de controlarme y decir, a ver, esta camiseta no la necesito porque tengo más camisetas que días del año, y la dejo without the "monkey." Mine cost me, at first I realized what was happening when he went to the mall had a hard time because he was also a time when all the clothes and all the creams and makeup cried out to me, want to be as cool as twinkie or get as pretty as Somebody's niece, and you need to live.

But with time and effort I succeeded, I consider myself a little consumer, if I have something that is not going well (and not broken my face, like allergies or something ... ) garlic and water, let that until there is no hint what I buy next. Sometimes, creams they gave me allergy I have given my boy, and he has used every ounce.

Ropilmente speaking, in addition to the fashion of my years of "therapy" stopped liking both, I started to get lazy enter testers, waiting queues and other things typical of a day of shopping. .. total I became more vague than an American with a cat on its belly. Of course, it took less than potions, but I can tell my boy, and does not say no when I say shopping ... at most once every two months and half the time I leave with nothing and the other with a very very tiny bag.

With this post trying to say that if you notice that you buy more things that you need should do a little effort, because if I've got you too. Maybe not a million euros ahorréis, but little by little maybe you can make a getaway to a charming place with a weekend of spring =)

I sincerely encourage you to try to improve a little this world that belongs to all and whose resources we have to share with everyone. We can not change to large companies operating in other countries left at nigún misery and profit without remorse, but we can put our grain of sand trying, in all areas of consumerism, and minimized.

might not have that feeling you get to spend money on something nice, but seriously, the satisfaction that you feel that advertising does not guide you is much greater.

A kiss to all, I hope that you have a great Friday and m il through my 23 followers not to abandon but has been a great time away =) MUUUUUUUUUAK


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