Yesterday I went hiking with my friend Sarasate. I will tell you of our conversation, if it could ye get some profit.
- Cabrera, are we all men equal?
- Yea, verily, how could you think such a question, about to turn seventy years? You look like a child who will make their First Communion! All men are created equal! -
"I just wondered because when I turned my First Communion I saw everything very clear and increasingly with age, I understand less.
"Well it should be backwards, and that child did not have the wisdom that you should now have as a Christian, nor should you doubt that God created all men equal and also his image and likeness.
"Yes, Cabrera, but I think that here is a failure.
- I guess you have not forgotten that when talking about image and likeness refefiere the Bible is the spirit?
"Exactly, and there go the shots.
"Well I'm all ears, but as talk hold firm step if you want to get to the Cave of the Arena at lunchtime.
- Well, here goes. For now I want to stress that I do not doubt that God made everything as it should. If not would deny its existence, because it can not be God who does things right. But it could be that we do not understand it when we spoke or who wrote what he said did not pay attention. I particular I refer to the phrase which states that made us in His image and likeness.
He must have distracted the clerk when he dictated it and omitted the advervio "NO." With what prayer, if it had been written well have said: GOD "NO" created us in His image and likeness and thus would be and all really clear and there would have to explain whether the Bible refers to the soul, finding no justification by the terrible differences in our bodies.
- Amigo Sarasate. I always put in the chute, for your considerations caught me so by surprise that even make me hesitate, but borders on the absurd to think that our disquisition can go further than what we have come came to believe, more than two thousand years.
- No hurry, my friend Cabrera, nor should you fear in the least be questioning the Word of God. Please note that we are only reviewing the possibility of failure of a particle in the immensity of a biblical text. Yourself when you go over your posts you realize that you have read several times, with lots of attention, yet you see any errors that I had gone unnoticed, but as you are the author, rectifies it and nothing happened here.
BUT SOMETHING SACRED, WHO WILL get questioned GOD'S WORD? SO I SPEAK, BUT NO ONE HAVE TO THINK THAT offended because there might be an error when.
I seem to recall that he once gave me a check with one more zero than it was for me to charge and I imagine that it did spread it by putting all your senses. Why could not ignore this insignificant word that type, in the shadows of the candles, made sperm could even come from the whale that swallowed at the same Jonah?
"I will not give away the reason, Sarasate, but I also remember the title brand new Property Manager, I had to hold a neighborhood committee and to the notification shall be adjusted as to form a the terms that had been using for these citations, I picked up a few forms of Trustees friends and most of them coincided with each other almost a hundred per cent, compounded by the fact that all began with the following headline: "According to the article 179 of the Horizontal Property Act calls him ...... etc, etc,
The fact that they were all made me laugh plagiarism, because apparently they had all as I thought when they had to make the first call and copied the first to be cast on hand, which came to be always the same, but what really had crumb, was that the Condominium Act at that time had only a teintena articles as I want to remember any of my colleagues became aware of the error incurred by the real author of the first call that was the basis for others, not only as a call, but as gross witness can become , not taking into account that there may be an error in what they said those who preceded us, not have to be so transmitted to them, to have forgotten a letter to the writer.
- That is why I like talking to you, Cabrera, because I always get the idea. Tell me if I have no reason to how difficult it is for the Church to make us understand that we ugliest rates to hit a parent, pudgy and poorly made having to compete to win a beauty or a miserable job, with spiky squires of wavy hair l, 80 in height and muscles, and he wanted to taste grilled Friday our friend before he Christianized our unforgettable Robinson Crusoe, having been all made in the image and likeness of God.
"Based on what, that discrimination? And if he was referring only to the soul, what soul can only be a terrible compared to caricature God?. And that, only in exceptional cases.
"Really, after this short reasoning would be more reasonable and understandable that God will" make us in His image and likeness ", Sarasate, and purporting to be that we try to become as He was conceived, according to capacity that we had given, following the path of perfection that opened in our life, convinced that any effort to achieve the final objective would lead to steps forward towards our ultimate goal, it would not be another the door to our infinite and supernatural existence.
- In that way too would be more justified the hardship that both affect our performance in life, because we would not discrimination on us as we contemplate our appearance in relation to others, knowing that any door that we could close by him, and inevitanblemente sorrows that could move drew any misunderstanding, for the same cause, would make our steps were longer and more meritorious in the way of our salvation.
- What now, Sarasate?
- What now, Cabrera?
"You could go out there to preach. I'm sure you would have many followers, Sarasate. I at least it I'm going to discuss the matter with the pillow from the point of view that you focus, because worse things have been at all levels and not by malice.
I always thought that the things of God should never be as complicated as those we had to explain and justify in many cases. See more just that NO that failure and this invites me to investigate the possible existence of this error. At the end of the bypass a "no" is not so difficult and if appeared that "no" certain things we now do not understand is unimportant and we sintiesemos better about ourselves and to others, to assess our limitations in what they are worth to help achieve our ultimate goal, and are sufficient arguments to pay more attention to this matter, taking into account also the test of humility is to not consider us worthy of being created in the image and likeness of God.
"Wait, wait. You could write a blog entry and the best one can give us your opinion.
- In my blog? Go now. "The Coronel no one writes ".... If I read or my wife. Ever say "Look what you've written, it's very nice" and if you see something over me answer "Does all this have to read? ... OR THE COWS!
"Wait, wait. You could write a blog entry and the best one can give us your opinion.
- In my blog? Go now. "The Coronel no one writes ".... If I read or my wife. Ever say "Look what you've written, it's very nice" and if you see something over me answer "Does all this have to read? ... OR THE COWS!
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