Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wedding Spanish Subjunctive


Already in Colombia, I moved to Barranquilla, temporarily at home a brother of Lydia. He wanted to resolve two issues that immediately and they focused all my attention.

one hand GLORIELA wanted to know if he had any emotional commitment, because as you know, one of the reasons for my departure from Venezuela was the fond memories that he professed, and I worried that boyfriend had already or even that he had married, on the other, needed to obtain the immigration card without which she could not do any business, even opening a bank account.

I started of course! GLORIELA visiting, he was glad to see me and without further ado I nte pregu if he had any commitment. The response was fatal. Told me that eight months ago and had a boyfriend. Very sadly said, "What can we do, I'm late!" But she, with the greatest aplomb and a mischievous smile, he replied: "DO NOT WORRY, I kicked him out, kicked him out." In other words, "Heck sent him to fry," words that gave strict order to his previous relationship and the beginning of mine.

As GLORIELA had agreed to submit the thesis termination of race on Friday of that week, I asked to delay the beginning of our relationship until the following Saturday.

Filled with joy, I began my efforts to secure immigration card by contacting an individual who, by golly, I invited the brothers birthday na his girlfriend, who was serving 18 years that day.

Arriving at the bride's house received us very kindly presenting us with some cakes and refreshments.

The house was the girlfriend of my improvised friend, a very attractive sister, the mother, who was kept very well, some guests over and the back of the room the honoree, who sat as if the party does not go with her and that certainly was Venus who had come from Olympus to provide a Backtrack ta for Colombia.

I said at the beginning of my stories that have things to myself I seem to lie if one counted them, but I repeat for the umpteenth time that everything I am telling you is real 100 to 100.

Impressed by such beauty, I left the household, went to the back of the room ignoring all living things with which I crossed and went to the goddess to which said

"For know worth worth coming from Spain to Colombia or have gone to the end of the world if it had been necessary. I've met in my life a woman more beautiful than you. "

He smiled all the beauty of a sunrise, and before to issue a word I asked if he had the good fortune to see her on occasion, to what I said with great modesty, while writing a number on a slip of paper: "I do not say anything here, call me" and gave me the slip of paper which he had written the number of a cell


With him in my power I resumed the group without any way to avoid my gaze away from that perfect creature I could no longer be considered only as a goddess, or at least as a model of beauty that had not hitherto visited our world.

On Friday, at eight o'clock, I called and two hours later we were in a taxi way of the "Paradise Romano, a prestige residence, where I learned that meat was and bone. Her name was Julia and although neither I'll explain myself, I never call her again, although it if I called on many occasions. If I had blindly in love with this woman had been a miserable the rest of my life, because with such beauty would not have been man who refused to court and jealousy, justificadísimos, I had broken my heart. It was much better to keep within it as a lasting memory.

Like when I said goodbye to the goddess were just 12 and was so anxious to return to see GLORIELA, I went to visit the mother of Lydia, who was his neighbor, thinking that since there could see it if you came to do a message.

Under the guise of a cigarette went out on the terrace of the house and from there to better see GLORIELA door and saw it being down, the faint slope was the street, a girl pretty dragging a cart full grid of plastic bags with pieces of bread of various sizes. He was absorbed in his thoughts so I could watch at my leisure without her noticing. His gaze lost in the distance, was sweet and calm but it was suspected that she was sad. When I got up (I had already almost overrun), turned his head and asked me Will you want bread? No! - I said. He turned and followed. What a fool I am!, I said to myself and called her a "what kind of bread have you?"

from there to get your phone mediate many words and many explanations to questions of how, when and why he was in Colombia and many other things and when he felt satisfied, and after selling a bag of bread I said, "Rectify the number you have given because I was wrong" and then gave me the true number and left.

I went back to the house of Mrs. Lydia and I told him what happened, giving me extensive information about Miles, that was his name, saying it was a good girl, much loved and appreciated, it took several years selling bread in the neighborhood and had never seen or heard anything that might belittle.

This information because I really liked being so pretty and attractive if it had not been good bread would not be selling so many years to earn a pittance and can earn more without working, so I decided to call it.

I said I needed to talk to her, who was keen to know her better and after much insistence we agreed that we saw on Saturday was the only day I had free. I had taken so long to convince her that I dared not tell him that I had an appointment that day so I stayed with her without knowing yet what would the final decision, since in the worst case, you could always say that I had come all unexpected.

The truth is that I want to date GLORIELA because "he knew would have a great time, but at the bottom of my heart I sensed that Milena was worth more than her in every way because things connected with GLORIELA I had a very unsettling background material. Consider, for example, that DO NOT WORRY, I kicked him out, kicked him out, that if at first flattered me so much, then fell on me like a stone, thinking that if he had been so easy to despise the guy who came more than eight months, what would make me appear in your life when someone who could be more interesting than me?.

In short, I returned to act wisely and decided to meet Miles.



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