Sunday, December 26, 2010
Ski Dootundra For Sale In Ontario
Quick Entry sorteazo chivaros a blog entry this Canadian girl: FunnyFaceBeauty .
Gifts are incredible. This girl is too generous, do not stay with the desire to participate because they tell you, I love everything!
Here some photos of the prizes out there.
A big kiss! Merry Christmas and atrasadass something! = D
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Servidoras En Los Angeles Ca
FunnyFaceBeauty Another lot at Erasmus or
The decision is taken, I took the papers to request The Erasmus. I talked to people, and also received various opinions here on the blog. What were the reasons the end? I do not know, maybe the fact to think of losing something that can be a great experience both academically and personally, know that I'll get rid of things I do not like here, but what really matters will be waiting when you return =)
Because my passion is travel and see new places, because I want to prove to myself I can do it without help from anyone and I know that if I do, I'll be disappointed.

Yesterday I spent all day with my boyfriend, which given the times that are impossible for us, our busy schedules and we are virtually incompatible few hours on Saturdays and Sundays, no more, so enjoy a day at your side is like that long awaited vacation =)
Although we do not see much, it is who gives me the strength every day, and who once (and if) I showed that I cared more than anything the world and the one without the other are not nothing. But despite that has encouraged me in all this go away to school, because he knows that's what I want and what I need to know that I'll want to do in my life after finishing the race. I know even if I go a year or two, or five, will come looking for the airport and get me one of those kisses that stop time, and it will be like if we had been together the previous day.
He is ready to cum with me to wherever necessary, because you know that my field in this country has no future and I (with him, and he with me) I'll be happier working in I like, even away from home. But you do not explain that a home is not a place but a people, that make your life much easier if you're with them, and for me that person is him.
Sil My friend has also had much to do with it. "Not that you go, you have to leave." In addition she and her boy are my role models have a long-distance relationship and I demonstrate every day that when two people love no matter how long they have to be separated if they know that ultimately will be together again.
With these thoughts I leave, I hope that you have a great Christmas. Tomorrow I'm going to Salamanca to see the family, since there can surely update, my cousins \u200b\u200bhave Internet.
In any case, be good, that the Kings bring you health, money and love (above).
Hugs, and thanks for reading and commenting =)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Big Boobs Feading Milk Baby
Reflections Erasmus, that is the question. I'm back again
Well, not much comes to the issue, but a bridge Dominguito only thing I think is ... as I do not give me the scholarship to Canada ... Erasmus or better ask me stay here?
About me say yes, others no .. and others who look the best for my training. Deciding whether to learn more here or in any European country I can not know (language aside) ... however much that is good and prestigious university, such as mine ... does not indicate that it is really good ¬ ¬ with shady, plugÂ, competition, without companionship .. etc. Everything will depend on the subjects you lame and teacher who touches you, no?
Because, by a clause, I came to college with a smile full of hope in the face ... with a bright future at the bottom of my way ... but I just want to finish the race as soon as possible and change of environment. Not that I do not like what you study, you know that I love ... is the environment that is in itself: people taking you for a fool, leaving notes, abuse of authority, teachers, professors who know less than any of his students, inhuman hours, lack of organization ... No one sees the good in you, you just say, with that half are not going to be nothing ...
My dissatisfaction with staff at the Complutense University in hand, there are good people and good teachers, but could be more.
Well what we were going, I will make two lists, about why I want to go and why not. That one is longer than the other will not be a final choice ... only to see it in outline and plan to have more clear, for the record ^ ^
do I go on erasmus.
- To learn English
- For a change of scenery
- Why I will certainly not bad fellow I will make life impossible.
- By knowing
new sites - for new experiences
- For learn to fend for myself
Why I would not go on erasmus.
- Because the race and I can be complicated and it costs me yours in Castilian.
- For treatment to be worse than what I left behind
- To the north of Europe makes cold muuuuuucho
- Because is very expensive to spend and not worth
- Because life is based on erasmus parties and I do not like people in mass or loud music.
- I'll be away from my child a long time = (
you who would you do?!
A besoteeee
Well, not much comes to the issue, but a bridge Dominguito only thing I think is ... as I do not give me the scholarship to Canada ... Erasmus or better ask me stay here?
About me say yes, others no .. and others who look the best for my training. Deciding whether to learn more here or in any European country I can not know (language aside) ... however much that is good and prestigious university, such as mine ... does not indicate that it is really good ¬ ¬ with shady, plugÂ, competition, without companionship .. etc. Everything will depend on the subjects you lame and teacher who touches you, no?
Because, by a clause, I came to college with a smile full of hope in the face ... with a bright future at the bottom of my way ... but I just want to finish the race as soon as possible and change of environment. Not that I do not like what you study, you know that I love ... is the environment that is in itself: people taking you for a fool, leaving notes, abuse of authority, teachers, professors who know less than any of his students, inhuman hours, lack of organization ... No one sees the good in you, you just say, with that half are not going to be nothing ...
My dissatisfaction with staff at the Complutense University in hand, there are good people and good teachers, but could be more.
Well what we were going, I will make two lists, about why I want to go and why not. That one is longer than the other will not be a final choice ... only to see it in outline and plan to have more clear, for the record ^ ^
do I go on erasmus.
- To learn English
- For a change of scenery
- Why I will certainly not bad fellow I will make life impossible.
- By knowing
new sites - for new experiences
- For learn to fend for myself
Why I would not go on erasmus.
- Because the race and I can be complicated and it costs me yours in Castilian.
- For treatment to be worse than what I left behind
- To the north of Europe makes cold muuuuuucho
- Because is very expensive to spend and not worth
- Because life is based on erasmus parties and I do not like people in mass or loud music.
- I'll be away from my child a long time = (
you who would you do?!
A besoteeee
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Ringworm In Kittens How Long To Heal?
Hello hello ... the other day I tried to upgrade from my mobile, but I lost what I had written toooooooooodo, and because I I could not spare the time to rewrite = S
I have a little while, so let's catch up. =)
snowed yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I soaked while going to class and from the window I saw snow until 7 or so ... I heard nothing that gave, but I do not care. When under the bus and I see that I have a snowflake on the fringe I start grinning like a fool .... can be as pretty as the snow?
now I liadilla paperwork to see if I am granted a scholarship to go next year to study in Canada (my dream since time immemorial) and see anything that reminds me of that country ... It is extremely difficult to give me that scholarship, more to the average that I have ... I'm studying English by myself before bed and in the subway, to try to get the highest mark in the English test and give me some points. But until they tell me no, do not stop dreaming =)
Look, I am staggering, but the Nordic countries have always attracted me. I am a very quiet, I do not like the masses of people will not rush or stress ... thing here in Madrid is on the agenda. Cold weather suits my personality, but not my body, but that is dealing with many layers of clothes and a coat really fat! ^. ^

Other than that, I spend most mornings in the library studying and evening class ... I have no practice, but this year I'll catch the bull (as always happens to me) ... so you will understand that I have a single spare second, because the weekend I shot the whole morning sleeping and resting and at night I go out for a while to see my friends and my boy, I do not give signals during the week .. .
Apart from this, potinguilmente speaking, I have apuntadísima my new routine daily cleaning, I will of pearls, so I have no pimples (only on certain days of the month .. ahem) no dry skin ... is perfect for my skin type.
I also I took a nail of the new cosmetic line of white, gray pearl ... we are the famous gray I wanted since I got Channel. Is somewhat darker, but I love ... 80% of my winter clothes gray ... I love him, do not ask me why, but I always end up buying things without wanting wanting gray! lol so here I do not think I'm going to remove all winter, because I encantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I put the picture in a few, but hey, nothing you have not seen for several months on other blogs.
I am sorry not to upgrade, but when I get home I'm so tired I have no desire for anything ... to see if it know how the program I downloaded from the mobile to update and upgrade from the subway or in five Minutillo between the target and point = D
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Jenna Haze List Of Movies
A bad day
This entry was going to discuss another topic, but paragraph I can leave it for today. Seeing the nickname of a fellow whom I know a year ago or so I've dropped the soul to the ground. Today would be the birthday of a person who lost six years ago, not a grandparent or someone you know, something we all agreed that one day will pass, but someone young and whole life ahead.
I can not help I come to mind these days so horrible that I spent a few months ago when someone went around me, is not the thousandth part of what she went through her, but also so mad ...
This topic scares me so much that happens to me as my loved ones and rage to think that there are people who do not mind or your life or that of others and play with life as if the Mario Bros. when I was 15, a stage in which everything affects you live in a fairly large, a girl of my people was killed in a car accident, was driving her boyfriend, who knows how many miles per hour, on the road to my village, that no more than curves without any visibility. She was 16 and he 18 ... He escaped and killed another man on bike, your package, the woman was touched forever. A life partner who is working with children in school, he met the son of the couple, who ran out of her mommy and daddy can not do just anything.
As a lover of science I mean the chance that death is natural, but that someone, for fun or flip snatches all that in a sec ... there is no being who understands ... I can only feel hatred towards the car that you suddenly forward to 160km per hour, or gets you in about a millisecond that you miss the exit, or you put on the brakes or you eat it. Fewer and fewer of them, but there .. and we've all been young (or are), but for me, all is just silly when I put the key in the ignition, no jokes, no games, and especially within the rules, which for some are ... ;
Reflecting this item I leave, sure that none of you will like crazy out there, but surely you know someone who is not very careful at the wheel, and you do not want to lose that person or anyone who can go in the same car. If you speak with he or she may realize that endangers lives and thereafter try to have more city =)
I hope you're having a great week =). As soon as I find another moment I posted that I had thought for today. A great big kiss. Laura
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What To Do With A Broken Plasma Ball
MIA! ---> ELF HAUL! Sweepstakes
Hello hello! How about your weekend?!
Well, I'm totally stuck in the routine of the new course, and as indicated in the previous post, and driven by a comment received (Thanks Catanya ^ ^) I have decided to resume the blog, looking forward of course = D.
I have a lot of stuff to talk about, but today I'll put a Haul Spain Elf! yes, I dared to ask when they opened the store and was waiting for it and the products I wanted if he had, but wanted to give my mother a lipstick, but with those prices if they got on the grapevine (5 euros mineral lip), so I started to mine and preferred to look at stores palpable, hehe. Let's start, which they want to know absolutely everything! = D
I placed the order with the initial discount free shipping, and I must say it took a little longer than expected, especially in sending it from there, because once put it had sent, came within 3 or 4 days they promised. In any case, I think mail is advised of the company itself, because my mailman is a disaster for the packages and never brings, do not call and let slip, but that especially if it brought ... not whether it would match that had empty cart or felt in a good mood, the fact is that post soon, were they ... But finally in 8 or 9 days arrived undamaged and in perfect condition. We also think that had just opened and same with the boom in orders are saturated.
This is what I got:
The package, well wrapped and protected. Brought the alleged beach bag given away to Nosecuantos first orders, but we're a cutrez, I have not used even once, just use it to wrap the taper when, as in the university, and thence to the backpack, so that not see ... and these are the products I ordered:
polvitos for everyday, because I do not use liquid foundation from daily, leave more for weekends and special days. Well, all the tone I took, the beige (second course, I think) I have a dark ... between that August is not left home and I'm not very sunny, I'm whiter than ever so that next I catch a lighter shade, but are good for everyday, that does not demand much, to cover their bad side and little more. The only problem is I put that last bit, the amount is minimal, I took in September and I see the bottom metalite. Bring a tassel, but a bit shit ... (Ups) poor quality of these you wash and remove the glue ... I use the market that while the wash is like new.
The other product of the photo is the famous cover all stick, I took the lighter color to use for illuminating, not because I thought I could use for that, but I do not like, nor illuminate the eyebrow, or for correction or anything. The texture is horrible and smells of oil pulling back ... gives me such a headache that I've used it twice ... I think I'm gonna throw, I do not think that smell cause anyone any good. Other than that the color is too clear to me (not we agree ¬ ¬) and extends fatal y. .. ufff. Good: the only thing not I liked the order.
The kabuki brush to dust. It's great, never had any kabuki so I can not compare ... is easy to kill. The use for loose powder and is great great. The size is small, the face and goes well, a couple of passes you've tweaked all.
translucent powders as hyper-mega-famous elf. I like a lot, I that I have combination skin I have pretty good brightness control ... although I have to say there is nothing to support the line 6 in rush hour lol! I have only one problem with them, I'm afraid to move the box in case you are too and go all flying .. because once the leave without your tassel, I put a wash and accidentally turn brown and lie ... sneezing powder, white hands, white box ... total disaster .. so I took fright and now when I use little by little ... I have to try to find a more efficient use ... = S
The first to face what he had picked especially for the wedding. Primers never used before and I say it's a weird feeling like ... but not oily. I can not tell you how it goes because I have to experience using it only half a face ... I find it very difficult to calculate exactly whether or not longer than the base with them because they often do not use as much base is not exactly what duration = s.
duo blush and contour. The blush is great, I have a weakness for rouges in general .. to be so white I need something that gives life to my face to not seem like a particularly dead and he loves me. Sunscreen does not convince me, besides being too dark to outline my white skin lol, not quite right is blurred and my boyfriend noticed me: you have something there ¬ ¬ brown, I'm trying, even picking up a pot .. . but do not quite caught her truqui. Also ordered a range studio rouge: the candid coral, but is much like that comes in this duo ... also mysteriously disappeared from my vanity a few days after it arrived (that's what the sisters are in full turkey ¬ ¬, they deny everything).
And finally these three small brush, two of the Studio and a range of normal. My favorite, so famous powder elf, flat cut is very thick and soft. Puts that can be used both for powders and liquids, so once I tried the liquid makeup, but it is too opaque for my taste (I think that 20 years the makeup should highlight your features, not erase them), so I use it for blush, which I love, love love it! and being cut straight, I catch the edge with a corner and stump and with it all. I recommend it because it has many uses, it is soft, strong and very cheap.
The other two are for liquid products. Instead of making each minireview I will compare (white -> normal range, black -> Studio range). I picked the two because the white was worth only 1.50 and I decided that I would be worse for such things on a: first, moisturizer in the summer (you already know that glows and then go further if we use the fingers) or have one in the toiletries bag and keep it handy. I must say that I left the white stripes on the makeup, so ruled out for this. The black is fine, but everything other than the fingers, if not why not spread it with brush, leaves me too layer of makeup and I am weird = S. Yet I use when I go partying in the night, a meet or similar occasions in which everyone peripinta, and total, and non-stop for a while still, I finished removing base always something .. . perfect then. hehe. The white, like streaking to extend the use masks, but not recommend for use in the base, as two euros more we have the black, which leaves no mark.
beautiful, beautiful Well, this has been everything I asked ELF Spain, you shall see that the company is real and not a scam as rumored by facebook. There are things we have done wrong, yes, but I came more profitable to ask UK, so I made the order and have not had any problems. I guess the rest will be bringing products gradually. I hope most of all the minerals, I'd like to try something ... although the same place an order this week to mark Every day minerals , who calls me a lot of attention. Because if I do I will tell you ok?.
By the way, I have not put the prices because they are all on the page, but you know the prices of this brand ... totally anti-crisis.
I say goodbye, but so soon! A big kiss and enjoy the findeeeee!
Muuuuuuak. Laura ^ ^
Hello hello! How about your weekend?!
Well, I'm totally stuck in the routine of the new course, and as indicated in the previous post, and driven by a comment received (Thanks Catanya ^ ^) I have decided to resume the blog, looking forward of course = D.
I have a lot of stuff to talk about, but today I'll put a Haul Spain Elf! yes, I dared to ask when they opened the store and was waiting for it and the products I wanted if he had, but wanted to give my mother a lipstick, but with those prices if they got on the grapevine (5 euros mineral lip), so I started to mine and preferred to look at stores palpable, hehe. Let's start, which they want to know absolutely everything! = D
I placed the order with the initial discount free shipping, and I must say it took a little longer than expected, especially in sending it from there, because once put it had sent, came within 3 or 4 days they promised. In any case, I think mail is advised of the company itself, because my mailman is a disaster for the packages and never brings, do not call and let slip, but that especially if it brought ... not whether it would match that had empty cart or felt in a good mood, the fact is that post soon, were they ... But finally in 8 or 9 days arrived undamaged and in perfect condition. We also think that had just opened and same with the boom in orders are saturated.
This is what I got:
The package, well wrapped and protected. Brought the alleged beach bag given away to Nosecuantos first orders, but we're a cutrez, I have not used even once, just use it to wrap the taper when, as in the university, and thence to the backpack, so that not see ... and these are the products I ordered:
polvitos for everyday, because I do not use liquid foundation from daily, leave more for weekends and special days. Well, all the tone I took, the beige (second course, I think) I have a dark ... between that August is not left home and I'm not very sunny, I'm whiter than ever so that next I catch a lighter shade, but are good for everyday, that does not demand much, to cover their bad side and little more. The only problem is I put that last bit, the amount is minimal, I took in September and I see the bottom metalite. Bring a tassel, but a bit shit ...
The other product of the photo is the famous cover all stick, I took the lighter color to use for illuminating, not because I thought I could use for that, but I do not like, nor illuminate the eyebrow, or for correction or anything. The texture is horrible and smells of oil pulling back ... gives me such a headache that I've used it twice ... I think I'm gonna throw, I do not think that smell cause anyone any good. Other than that the color is too clear to me (not we agree ¬ ¬) and extends fatal y. .. ufff. Good: the only thing not I liked the order.
translucent powders as hyper-mega-famous elf. I like a lot, I that I have combination skin I have pretty good brightness control ... although I have to say there is nothing to support the line 6 in rush hour lol! I have only one problem with them, I'm afraid to move the box in case you are too and go all flying .. because once the leave without your tassel, I put a wash and accidentally turn brown and lie ... sneezing powder, white hands, white box ... total disaster .. so I took fright and now when I use little by little ... I have to try to find a more efficient use ... = S
The first to face what he had picked especially for the wedding. Primers never used before and I say it's a weird feeling like ... but not oily. I can not tell you how it goes because I have to experience using it only half a face ... I find it very difficult to calculate exactly whether or not longer than the base with them because they often do not use as much base is not exactly what duration = s.
duo blush and contour. The blush is great, I have a weakness for rouges in general .. to be so white I need something that gives life to my face to not seem like a particularly dead and he loves me. Sunscreen does not convince me, besides being too dark to outline my white skin lol, not quite right is blurred and my boyfriend noticed me: you have something there ¬ ¬ brown, I'm trying, even picking up a pot .. . but do not quite caught her truqui. Also ordered a range studio rouge: the candid coral, but is much like that comes in this duo ... also mysteriously disappeared from my vanity a few days after it arrived (that's what the sisters are in full turkey ¬ ¬, they deny everything).
And finally these three small brush, two of the Studio and a range of normal. My favorite, so famous powder elf, flat cut is very thick and soft. Puts that can be used both for powders and liquids, so once I tried the liquid makeup, but it is too opaque for my taste (I think that 20 years the makeup should highlight your features, not erase them), so I use it for blush, which I love, love love it! and being cut straight, I catch the edge with a corner and stump and with it all. I recommend it because it has many uses, it is soft, strong and very cheap.
The other two are for liquid products. Instead of making each minireview I will compare (white -> normal range, black -> Studio range). I picked the two because the white was worth only 1.50 and I decided that I would be worse for such things on a: first, moisturizer in the summer (you already know that glows and then go further if we use the fingers) or have one in the toiletries bag and keep it handy. I must say that I left the white stripes on the makeup, so ruled out for this. The black is fine, but everything other than the fingers, if not why not spread it with brush, leaves me too layer of makeup and I am weird = S. Yet I use when I go partying in the night, a meet or similar occasions in which everyone peripinta, and total, and non-stop for a while still, I finished removing base always something .. . perfect then. hehe. The white, like streaking to extend the use masks, but not recommend for use in the base, as two euros more we have the black, which leaves no mark.
beautiful, beautiful Well, this has been everything I asked ELF Spain, you shall see that the company is real and not a scam as rumored by facebook. There are things we have done wrong, yes, but I came more profitable to ask UK, so I made the order and have not had any problems. I guess the rest will be bringing products gradually. I hope most of all the minerals, I'd like to try something ... although the same place an order this week to mark Every day minerals , who calls me a lot of attention. Because if I do I will tell you ok?.
By the way, I have not put the prices because they are all on the page, but you know the prices of this brand ... totally anti-crisis.
I say goodbye, but so soon! A big kiss and enjoy the findeeeee!
Muuuuuuak. Laura ^ ^
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Hotbird India Channel Frequency
funnyface beauty!
I have no excuses, I have a month without posting anything, but I have several posts ready ... you know that threw me a month without leaving your home to get pass my exams, and although I started classes, I have practice and not just play the computer, but the routine begins, the notes will accrue and must be updated to avoid being caught by a bull ... so all will return in less than a week to normal = D.
The entry that I bring is a sorteazo in funnyfacebeauty . They are great prizes and the opportunity to have a lot of units!
I put the little picture:
As you can see, there are shadows, lipsticks and lacquers and also the famous MAC Naked palette urban decay that does nothing to go on all channels of American Youtuberos bloglers ... We, the prize is awesome! as carrier, not you think?
encourage one to participate, because this girl from Canada durra it a lot.
We read too soon, and good luck to all if you take part!
A big big kiss to all! have a great time and encouragement that tomorrow is Wednesday (half of the work week!) = D
I have no excuses, I have a month without posting anything, but I have several posts ready ... you know that threw me a month without leaving your home to get pass my exams, and although I started classes, I have practice and not just play the computer, but the routine begins, the notes will accrue and must be updated to avoid being caught by a bull ... so all will return in less than a week to normal = D.
The entry that I bring is a sorteazo in funnyfacebeauty . They are great prizes and the opportunity to have a lot of units!
I put the little picture:
As you can see, there are shadows, lipsticks and lacquers and also the famous MAC Naked palette urban decay that does nothing to go on all channels of American Youtuberos bloglers ... We, the prize is awesome! as carrier, not you think?
encourage one to participate, because this girl from Canada durra it a lot.
We read too soon, and good luck to all if you take part!
A big big kiss to all! have a great time and encouragement that tomorrow is Wednesday (half of the work week!) = D
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Nadine Jansen, Rapid Share
Back to start ..
Life is a succession of beginnings and endings .. only to start again ... I have not been here long, I can invent many excuses of lack of time, or invent a moral optimistic about how important it is to withdraw to the barracks to take hold and continue the fierce battle ... the truth is that as we all do, I lost the motivation to keep writing, but as we all do ... receiving messages from people you do not know, telling you that something has served this blog that I wrote as a way to give me encouragement, remember concepts and strategies that would help me just to feel motivated in the day to day, in a race that sometimes seems very long and tedious .. but it has always been rewarding.
Life is a succession of beginnings and endings .. only to start again ... I have not been here long, I can invent many excuses of lack of time, or invent a moral optimistic about how important it is to withdraw to the barracks to take hold and continue the fierce battle ... the truth is that as we all do, I lost the motivation to keep writing, but as we all do ... receiving messages from people you do not know, telling you that something has served this blog that I wrote as a way to give me encouragement, remember concepts and strategies that would help me just to feel motivated in the day to day, in a race that sometimes seems very long and tedious .. but it has always been rewarding.
That motivates us to move into sales? the satisfaction of accomplishment? (as so stoically said a student from some short course average sales hair ever attended ... obliged by the company he worked at the time) ... or "silver", "the wool "," the billullo "the" filthy lucre "? (As I said in one of my fits of cynicism ... in the same medium hair short course I attended once.).
here say that sales .. gringo market are driven by 3 factors:
FEAR: - "Should I purchase such additional insurance ... and if something happens to my new IPAD? "
GREED: -" If I buy this here in gringolandia IPAD, I took him to Ecuador ... Panita sell it twice ... "
EGO: -" That's the last ... if not .. I have that iPad would be a looser ...."
... In the end these factors motivate us in some way or another in every moment of our lives whether personal or professional .. ... Fear job loss, fear of not being able to support the family .. not to pay the debts. always looking for that million dollars would allow us to travel to Europe ... buy the coveted BMW 750, or household on the beach. Being seen as the ne plus ultra of the neighborhood, the corner hard, the best seller This company has had in his freaking life ...!.
maybe sounds a little shallow I know, or perhaps very direct .. but in the end we are human beings with similar virtues and vices, why not take advantage of these "almost sins" and use them in our favor ...
the end ... what motivates us ... our needs and desires dark ... so get up and call that list of prospects that BMW750 ... .. you are going to give away.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Play Pokemon Silver On Computer
LIBREEE and tag! Tip Manicure
'm so happy to finally do what I want ... I hope to enjoy two years of physically and intellectually, for me, rather than in January, as a student I am, my purpose to me in September-October under lol.
And here are my new-purposes etc etc:
- As I played of late, I wake up prontito "and study, even a little bit each day.
- Going to the gym every day after coming out of class, which took a year and a half since I left and I'm not comfortable with myself since then.
- I pointed to the collection of crochet, that visiting blogs, I discovered a world of dolls, scarves and hats (three of my passions) ... is not normal, your taste, your size (great for narrow heads, but no less thoughtful like me) ... they wanted me = D
llegueee - find facial cleaning kit comes to me by heart, although I'll have to sweat blood to find it.
- and last but not least, eating healthier ... dinner stop burgers or Chinese food, more green, more milk ... not diet, but take care, that is always happiest when looks healthy.
- add another: to approve all in June for not going to septiembreeee lol (would not?)
I love
back to school, with its monotony in the you know where you are and what you will do tomorrow at this time ...
Well, without further ado, I set out to do the tag of the four questions , which has nominated me for Celiaysumundo celia. Beautiful thank you very much for the nomination, I was waiting for nothing and has made me very excited, especially when my social life was in 5 below zero because of exams, so I'll do this! = D = D
CHIC @ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!! I'm on vacation another vezzzzzz, I've finished my exams in September and if all goes well, until 23 do not start (on sabbatical sino. .. haha). Good for him read in his day, in the end nothing happened with air travel at the wedding, but neither is it great to go to Tenerife and can not enjoy because you are studying (is that my conscience is very responsible and likes to suffer). But hey, it's all over. I think it'll pass the two exams (I hope for my sake) and Tuesday I'll take the pre-registration for DEGREE IN BIOCHEMISTRY!!
'm so happy to finally do what I want ... I hope to enjoy two years of physically and intellectually, for me, rather than in January, as a student I am, my purpose to me in September-October under lol.
And here are my new-purposes etc etc:
- As I played of late, I wake up prontito "and study, even a little bit each day.
- Going to the gym every day after coming out of class, which took a year and a half since I left and I'm not comfortable with myself since then.
- I pointed to the collection of crochet, that visiting blogs, I discovered a world of dolls, scarves and hats (three of my passions) ... is not normal, your taste, your size (great for narrow heads, but no less thoughtful like me) ... they wanted me = D
llegueee - find facial cleaning kit comes to me by heart, although I'll have to sweat blood to find it.
- and last but not least, eating healthier ... dinner stop burgers or Chinese food, more green, more milk ... not diet, but take care, that is always happiest when looks healthy.
- add another: to approve all in June for not going to septiembreeee lol (would not?)
I love
back to school, with its monotony in the you know where you are and what you will do tomorrow at this time ...
Well, without further ado, I set out to do the tag of the four questions , which has nominated me for Celiaysumundo celia. Beautiful thank you very much for the nomination, I was waiting for nothing and has made me very excited, especially when my social life was in 5 below zero because of exams, so I'll do this! = D = D
These are the rules:
"Once nominated, put the link of the person who nominated me
-Write 4 answers to each question.
-Nominate 4 others.
-Do these people know that I nominated.
And here are the questions and my answers:
4 things in my bag:
- Strepsils
- a cocoa
- mini-brush and tooth minipasta
- clinex
4 favorite things in my room:
- All my stuffed animals (especially those who gave me my boyfriend) that will add more than 50, gathering 20 years, you know hahaha
- my huge table where I can expand myself without my fall
nothing - calendar with pictures of us who gave me my love (L)
- my shelf of creams and soaps
4 things I always wanted to do:
- (this celia once got ahead of me) travel to a country north sooo [succeeded = D the best I've ever done, return to Finland]
- Being a scientist (on entry into the undergraduate biochemistry). [Quasi achieved]
- spend much of my salary wealthy person (ya. .. ¬ ¬ jajaja) in cunt [not achieved, nor do I ever happens lol]
- find love [got]
4 things I like now:
- Philadelphia cheese
- cheap low cost flights + backpack + shelters
- French pedicure =)
- the pleasure of have time to be bored
4 things you never knew me:
- I cried with ads (very crappy) jjaja
- Live stressed, but I do not feel I
- because of zilvia avecez speak azi =)
- I do not like chocolate (milk or white ... just!) Oo
4 songs that I can not stop listening:
- the secret of sea-Maldita Nerea
- Tea party-Kerly
- Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
- Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
Already ... cost me more than I thought ^ - ^ but have been very diverse
TODASSS I nominate that you have done no yaaa.
I hope you have a weekend genialll! I go to sleep I'm a walking zombie!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
How Do I Fix The Colour In Mount And Blade
Hi! I've been practicing the French manicure because I buy the kit mercadona and gave me something wrong, and I've managed to do something decent. Therefore, I will take it to the wedding as well, but instead of yellow flowers with a blue that I have out there. Kiko is yellow, which did not cover, so I will use for these goodies. hehe What I care?
Pd. The flower is made with toothpicks. I have no specific devices for these things hehe. Hope you like. Besitoss
Monday, August 23, 2010
Catchy Church Phrases
lips ready.
nuevooo Hello!
I come to tell an intensive treatment that I do when I have my lips very sores or many pielecitas. Hope you like it.
When I have filled pielecitas, but no scars, only dry, I do two little things.
1. Intense exfoliation. I like to mix some honey with sugar. a drop of two and remove without breaking, so that the sugar does not dissolve completely. So I grab a finger and give it to me gently on the lips. It is very relaxing and not aggressive, because sugar is dissolved and according to some massaging is completely dissolved. You can also do with a new toothbrush, but not I like the feeling. Must be new because if it is used can carry bacteria and if we have heridita can screw it, so maybe not. If you like honey coméroslo going to want and can do any extra =).
When we're done with the peel, we wash well and then we brush our teeth (with our usual brush) and we have been able to get some honey and sugar (mmm voluntarily or involuntarily) and is very bad for teeth to eat sweets and leave it in the mouth.
2. intense hydration. Before going to bed, having done my cleaning routine, I applied on the lips a good fat layer (to snow) of Neutrogena hand cream. In my house has made life and yet it is somewhat expensive, hard years, because for me it is too thick to use on your hands. I just do in times of great stress or extreme cold, when my lips are really bad. And I promise, I wake up, with a thin layer of cream yet, but to take it away is like magic ... my lips as new, as if they should take a week mojama dry.
If my lips are cold sores only do the second step and when they hurt and have been cured (overnight, two at most with Neutrogena trick) and I can gently exfoliate, and re-look great as ever.
I always use Vaseline every day, but there are periods when I'm more nervous about what is or is just me and I can not go buy another and lips, so sensitive to them, like the rest of the skin, spoil me immediately.
If you have a small pot of Vaseline gap can make the mixture of honey and sugar, as are foods that take many years to expire.
and I hope to serve you whenever you may have great lips!
A besazooo ^. ^
Repeating Crossbow How To
Shopping and outfit for the wedding.
Holaaa! I have finally set the wedding for September. The dress I have a month ago or so and This morning I bought the supplement for hair, shoes and purse.
This headset I have found in Primark for 50 cent is cute and is the same color as the rest of goodies.
shoes, they are divine. I bought them in Botticelli, a shoe that is in the Xanadu. Cost me 70 euros, very expensive but finding something blue is really difficult. Son of designer Paco Herrero and was on sale, cost 110 euros before .. so I saved a lot.
As you can see they have very little heel, great for me that I never wear and I are very comfortable, I have all day to get used to and still does not hurt anything.
The purse is big enough for what are often, which I prefer, the same color, although it seems more clear with light. I is great to put some makeup touched up before dinner. 40 euros in the same shop. Skin is also cost twice before rebates.
And the dress. I love . It is through the thigh and it's all blue lace with a tie you can tie on one side or the environment. It has an inner liner, completely opaque, just in case, hehe. Word of honor, which the hanger straps are kept down and the bottom are two flying around the same socket. 40 euros in the Stradivarius, I took a month of the new season and yet still I've seen today to match the color with the shoes and purse. I put some details:
A part have fallen a couple of things more. I bought a strapless bra Woman in secret, for 24 euros, but has a very good painting, is extremely comfortable and is beautiful when put. You can tell it's pretty good quality, I do not regret anything about having spent a little more normal. In secret woman there are plenty of models to the basic call, with different bound: no tie, open back, neck separately ... best of all, some more fall when approaching my birthday, of autorregalo =).
In Primark buy me some more additions:
This clip flower. She is small, you can appreciate it compared to my hand is small too lol. If I go to the festa blank the day before the wedding I do a side braid, normal or tall and flower longo me because it's cute. Ah! I forgot to 1.50 euros. geniall!!
These 4 beige bows, 2 lace and satin type 2. They are so cute. I could not resist, and they'll use this winter. 1.50 euros as well. Sorry, I forgot to turn it = s
had heard that Primark had some socks with treads on the ground, so you do not kill the shoes, and looking I found this ( but I saw no socks). They are pads that get a slipper and below it slip. They are amazing. I love them, because I'm not used to wearing high heels and as more wobbly from the shoe to your bone and you avoid a lot of pain. Come 4, two for each foot, for only 1.50 !!!!!!!!!!!! not noticeable to carry and do not bark or anything, are very comfortable and do their role: I'm thrilled.
I recommend stopping by the primark, because they have lots of accessories at a great price. Most are somewhat outrageous, but things are looking good really cute. =)
Well girls, as this is all, I think I'll go ape for the wedding?. Usually seen very casual and I feel a little lost in the world of the outfits.
A big kiss to everyone! That you have a good week. MUAKK
Holaaa! I have finally set the wedding for September. The dress I have a month ago or so and This morning I bought the supplement for hair, shoes and purse.
This headset I have found in Primark for 50 cent is cute and is the same color as the rest of goodies.
shoes, they are divine. I bought them in Botticelli, a shoe that is in the Xanadu. Cost me 70 euros, very expensive but finding something blue is really difficult. Son of designer Paco Herrero and was on sale, cost 110 euros before .. so I saved a lot.
As you can see they have very little heel, great for me that I never wear and I are very comfortable, I have all day to get used to and still does not hurt anything.
The purse is big enough for what are often, which I prefer, the same color, although it seems more clear with light. I is great to put some makeup touched up before dinner. 40 euros in the same shop. Skin is also cost twice before rebates.
And the dress. I love . It is through the thigh and it's all blue lace with a tie you can tie on one side or the environment. It has an inner liner, completely opaque, just in case, hehe. Word of honor, which the hanger straps are kept down and the bottom are two flying around the same socket. 40 euros in the Stradivarius, I took a month of the new season and yet still I've seen today to match the color with the shoes and purse. I put some details:
A part have fallen a couple of things more. I bought a strapless bra Woman in secret, for 24 euros, but has a very good painting, is extremely comfortable and is beautiful when put. You can tell it's pretty good quality, I do not regret anything about having spent a little more normal. In secret woman there are plenty of models to the basic call, with different bound: no tie, open back, neck separately ... best of all, some more fall when approaching my birthday, of autorregalo =).
In Primark buy me some more additions:
This clip flower. She is small, you can appreciate it compared to my hand is small too lol. If I go to the festa blank the day before the wedding I do a side braid, normal or tall and flower longo me because it's cute. Ah! I forgot to 1.50 euros. geniall!!
These 4 beige bows, 2 lace and satin type 2. They are so cute. I could not resist, and they'll use this winter. 1.50 euros as well. Sorry, I forgot to turn it = s
had heard that Primark had some socks with treads on the ground, so you do not kill the shoes, and looking I found this ( but I saw no socks). They are pads that get a slipper and below it slip. They are amazing. I love them, because I'm not used to wearing high heels and as more wobbly from the shoe to your bone and you avoid a lot of pain. Come 4, two for each foot, for only 1.50 !!!!!!!!!!!! not noticeable to carry and do not bark or anything, are very comfortable and do their role: I'm thrilled.
I recommend stopping by the primark, because they have lots of accessories at a great price. Most are somewhat outrageous, but things are looking good really cute. =)
Well girls, as this is all, I think I'll go ape for the wedding?. Usually seen very casual and I feel a little lost in the world of the outfits.
A big kiss to everyone! That you have a good week. MUAKK
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sample Letter To Depressed Friend
In search of perfect daily treatment (combination skin). Ellen
This seems silly, but how simple it can seem to find a cream that hydrates only, no fat or give you is as a top layer of skin ... but I have not found mine. And do not talk soaps, combination skin is a real problem trying oily areas, dry (or normal) while it is not easy.
During my teens I used the Nivea shine control, because her skin was much more fat and did not need extra hydration, and that I controlled the flare. Not prevented me leave me pimples or spots blacks, who remain my daily headache. (I used all the Nivea Young range).
Then, when you start taking the pill, which controlled my hormones (the main cause of acne in girls young), my skin changed and became mixed. But I did not realize that, still using soaps for oily skin and all over my cheeks resected and remained with granites in the area T. In addition, no cream left me comfortable after daily cleaning.
I tried many creams on a very short time
of garnier pure line, which I was not bad, but not "perfect." I've only used the soap, the mask (which incidentally will soon repeat because it is really good and gives a radiance to the skin that I love) and moisturizer, which I bought later and still is that I have and use until that I spent.
mercadona The Triple Action Moisturizer. I tested both of oily skin like dry, and everyone gives me more fat. The dry skin and gave it to my kid and doing well, because their skin is very problematic and very moisturizing cream, but with fat, which to me abundance in certain areas. The oily skin I can not give me two days because I get pimples .. themselves do not know where I will use ... mon end up giving it to amug.
soap also tried the Vichy NORMADERM for imperfections and say that was a disaster but disaster disastrous. Each time you used, hydrate me later or not, began to pelárseme nose, but a matter of minutes. And on top I still had black spots. We do not ever buy it again in life. I think that gave me allergy because my boy does not give any problems, but still have blackheads and skin as before, we are neither good nor bad.
After using this soap very short time I bought leather cleaner Deliplus fats, say that these soaps I emphasize the T zone and just do a quick pass on the cheeks, so I can not dry out too much, but of course, and after I find a moisturizer to do well ... I'm not entirely comfortable with the skin of the face. Well, this soap mercadona seems pretty good, the truth is that clean everything, but that leaves me feeling like tension, wanting to hydrate well, but always return to the subject. I also bought the tonic, but is whole because it is practically just alcohol and I can not use.

Well, in between any of these treatments used the famous clean & clear, but hey, I do not even mention it because it gave me such an allergy ronchones I went across the face for a whole summer ... but were not noticed, and I had really bad. When I met at the dermatologist had taken me nearly so nothing ... Also, before I allergy, treatment seemed quite aggressive in general. Even I have the tonic and cream, because soap threw the hobby that I took. I will not put photo because you deserve it! jum!
Well and now I'm finishing Deliplus soap and cream garnier. By September or so I have to try something new and do not really know what to do, had planned to buy a soap for normal skin garnier and try other creams, more natural. I've heard very good Body Shop or Lush. But do not know where to shoot, because I would not want my skin to suffer more than necessary, since it has not been a smooth ride to say.
anyone suggest me any cream or treatment in particular? Would help me a lot, truth =)
A part of daily treatment has tested some masks, but the only one I liked enough is the garnier pure range, but I want to test the clay and several of Lush and bodhy shop. When finished I'll go through several tests for proving irlas.
Well, I hope someone can help me =) and that of all find a good treatment. hehe I also hope that my post has helped you to avoid certain undesirable soaps and creams!
A great big kiss! Muak
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